5 Foods Rich in Calcium

June 25, 2019, Dentistry

According to the standards, adults need to consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day. This amount increases to 1,200 mg per day for those older than 60. However, consuming this substance and assimilating it is not the same thing. Calcium metabolism occurs with the participation of other nutrients: protein and vitamin D. Without them, you can suffer from calcium deficiency even if you consume the needed daily intake. Calcium in the human body is necessary for: maintaining bone health (enough calcium helps to reduce the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and diabetes); contraction and relaxation of blood vessels; muscle contraction; transmission of nerve impulses; secretion of hormones. How Calcium Is Absorbed Calcium is absorbed in the intestines: enters the cells, passes through them and is released into the blood. Calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, helps it along the way. It increases the penetration of calcium into the intestinal cells, accelerates its transfer and release. In order for vitamin D to become calcitriol, insulin-like growth factor 1 is needed, and protein is necessary for its production. Thus, along with calcium, you should consume enough protein, as well as be in the sun more often or choose foods rich in vitamin D. Foods Rich in Good Digestible Calcium 1. Eggshell One eggshell contains 2 g of calcium. It weighs about 5 g and, in a grounded state can fit in one teaspoon. Half of a teaspoon grounded eggshell covers the daily need of dietary calcium. At the same time, due to the content of soluble matrix proteins, calcium from the shell is perfectly absorbed by the body. 2. Parmesan and other cheeses Parmesan cheese is a leader in calcium among all dairy products. At the same time, there is a lot of protein and vitamin D contained in it. Other cheeses also contain a lot of calcium and substances important for its absorption. Thus, eating 100 g of cheese a day, you completely close your need for dietary calcium and get a tenth of the daily requirement of vitamin D. However, we must remember that cheese is a fairly high-calorie product, rich in saturated fats. There is also good news for fat foods lovers: the more calcium you consume, the less fat is absorbed. So if you want to consume more calcium and protein, eat some cheese. This is an excellent source of useful nutrients. 3. Sesame Sesame is the absolute leader in the amount of calcium among plant sources. True, there are also pitfalls. First, no one eats spoons of sesame. Most often it is added to pastries and other dishes, which means that consuming the whole needed dose of calcium only from sesame will be problematic. The second pitfall of sesame, like most other plant sources of calcium, is phytic acid. It is an antinutrient that reduces the absorption of calcium and other minerals. According to numerous family dentist, it can also lead to broken teeth. Fortunately, you can cope with the negative effects of phytates by processing the products before consumption. Soak the sesame in water for 4 hours and then lightly fry. 4. Parsley Of course, few people will be able to eat large amounts of this product, but you can often add it to dishes. Also, 100 g of parsley contains a lot of vitamin C, which neutralizes phytic acid. You can add it to a salad or dish with legumes to help the body neutralize the action of phytates. 5. Sardines in oil Canned sardines should be consumed with the bones to get the most calcium. And although the calcium in sardines is much less than in sesame, due to vitamin D, it will be absorbed better. In addition, the oil of canned sardines just 208 cal and 11.5 g of fat, half of which are polyunsaturated. Therefore, you can safely eat 100-150 g per day, do not give up other products.