9 Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures That You Should Know About

July 10, 2019, 3V Dental Associates

Thanks to major dentistry advancements, many individuals today can enjoy the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry gives you an option to restore your smile attached to perfect pearly teeth. There are multiple cosmetic dentistry techniques geared at correcting certain dental conditions. Let us take an in-depth look at five of these cosmetic dentistry operations you might want to consider. Teeth whitening Teeth whitening, or teeth bleaching, is one of the most straightforward and simplest cosmetic dentistry procedures. As its name suggests, zoom teeth whitening restores stained or discolored teeth. Today, teeth whitening is available in various forms including, in-office or zoom teeth whitening, use of whitening pastes, whitening trays and whitening gum or mouthwash. Depending on the intensity of the stain on teeth, your dentist will help you choose the best technique. The procedure utilizes bleach and at times, zoom light, to make teeth look whiter. Veneers Dental veneers are designed to epitomize your natural teeth and are manufactured from high-quality ceramic. They tend to look exceptionally realistic and will do an excellent job in fixing a wide range of dental issues such as a damaged (chipped) enamel, stubborn discolored teeth, slightly crooked teeth or to cover spaces in between teeth. Normally, your orthodontist will take an impression of the enamel after filing it down. The impression will then be used to make custom veneers. Composite bonding Simply known as “bonding,” is a procedure that uses a resin-like substance to fix cracked, decaying, chipped or discolored teeth. The substance applied to the tooth matches the color of the target enamel. Your dentist will take out any infected parts of the tooth and apply the composite on the target surface. He or she will then shape and polish the bonding agent to mimic the other teeth, giving it a healthy appearance. Dental implants Implants are a viable alternative when looking to replace missing teeth. The implant consists of three parts, namely: the crown, abutment, and titanium post. During the procedure, your dentist will plant the titanium cylinder into the missing tooth site. The crown completes the implant giving it a natural tooth’s look. Dental implants are a permanent alternative to replacing missing teeth. Braces For people with crooked teeth, braces are best when seeking to re-align the teeth properly. Apart from the standard traditional braces with visible metal brackets, today the market offers another option for those who prefer to remain anonymous about cosmetic dentistry. There are clear braces that are less visible. Braces in general, re-position back crooked teeth back to perfect spots to improve smiles. Invisalign Like braces, Invisalign is a modern orthodontic tool that aligns teeth. However, Invisalign differs structurally compared to braces. It is a tray that fits onto your teeth and works to straighten teeth while aiding you to maintain a polished appearance. Invisalign is also clear, allowing you to remain anonymous of the treatment. Did you know that 3V Dental is a premiere Invisalign provider on Long Island? Dentures Dentures are replacement options for missing teeth. Unlike implants, they aren’t permanent. Dentures can either be found in complete or partial forms. Normally, dentures will use adjacent teeth as a support system and will sit on the missing teeth’s site. Patients can easily remove the dentures and fit them back when deemed fit. While they may solve the missing teeth menace, they do not stop tooth loss, bone loss and may fall out when eating or talking. All in all, dentures are a good temporary tooth replacement option. Inlays and Onlays Also referred to as indirect fillings, these types of procedures are used to counter tooth decay. The inlays and Onlays are molded and shaped to match your natural tooth. Dentists usually will seek this remedy when a tooth has mild decay or when the decay has eaten through the tooth, leaving inadequate tooth structure to support a filling. Your dentist will apply the inlay on the tooth’s surface when the damage isn’t as severe. The Onlay is applied to cover the tooth’s entire surface when a greater portion of the tooth is severely decayed. Indirect fillings are further attached to the damaged tooth using adhesive dental cement to make the technique long lasting. These techniques restore the tooth’s shape, strengthen teeth, and prevent further tooth decay. Cosmetic dental crowns You might need a dental crown or cap to replace a partly or entirely damaged or decayed tooth that sits above the gum line. Dental crowns restore a tooth’s size, look, strength, and shape. Caps prevent further chipping of a weak tooth. It holds together a tooth to maintain its integrity. Depending on your taste and preference, crowns are available in ceramic, metal, porcelain and resin material. It’s important to note that each of the above discussed cosmetic dentistry technique works to fix specific dental problems. Discuss all of your cosmetic dental options with your 3V Dental dentist at your next appointment and see which procedure is right for you.