September 02, 2019, Mumbai Dental Clinic

Mumbai dental clinic offers dental services like dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry, gum & root canal treatment, orthodontic, TMJ treatment and much more. It is always wise to get rid of the wisdom teeth. Simply put, there isn’t enough room for wisdom teeth because our jaws don’t grow to be big enough to have enough space for them to come in. Since there isn’t enough room for them to erupt properly, wisdom teeth tend to come in at an angle or they don’t fully emerge, which causes problems for the rest of the mouth. Third molars (the wisdom teeth) routinely damage the teeth right next door, called second molars. Dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth before they become a problem and to avoid a more complicated surgery. At our clinics after proper evaluation and examination experts remove the wisdom tooth. There are very few people who don’t need their wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth are something most people have to deal with at some point of life. Most of the people search online for a solution to deal with their wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come into the mouth around at the age of 18 to 22 years, which create problems when there is not enough space for it to emerge or erupt normally inside the mouth.  This May lead to varied position and Impaction for being partially erupted.  You may not know that these are happening until its symptoms arise. This tooth may also be decayed. There are different types of impacted wisdom teeth: HORIZONTAL IMPACTION This is the most agonizing type of impaction than others. The molar teeth lie horizontally and it’s being pushed into the molar next to it. DISTAL IMPACTION Distal impaction is minimal basic of the four sorts of impactions. This type of the impaction appears at the back of the mouth. Impaction will Depends upon the level of the angular position of the tooth. VERTICAL IMPACTION This type of impaction is where the tooth lies vertically and it may slightly or almost touching the tooth next to it. This sort of impaction rarely requires surgery and chance of getting normal eruption is high. MESIAL IMPACTION This is most common impaction where the tooth is angled in front of the mouth. SIGNS OF IMPACTED WISDOM TEETH The impacted wisdom tooth can sometimes trap food, plaque & other debris in the soft tissue around it, which leading to 1. PERICORONITIS (Swelling Gums) 2. Gum Tenderness 3. Cavities 4. Bad Breath Severe Pain till neck and head                                                                                                            Dentists often suggest removing the impacted wisdom teeth because they may cause damage to the adjacent teeth (2nd molars) or cause infection around them. In most cases where a problem has developed or a high risk of developing the wisdom tooth could be removed completely or part removed. During your consultation these options will be discussed with you in detail along with what is involved and the risks of the procedure. Your upper wisdom teeth may need to be removed as well. It is better to lose the wisdom teeth as it has no vital function. To know more about your oral health and if you want to get relieved from pain of third molar, Book an appointment with us : Mumbai dental clinic & Implant centre Madhuban & Sector 14, Udaipur 8107259893/0294-2415893 Treatment of Dental Caries in Udaipur Orthodontics Doctors in Udaipur Dental Implant in Udaipur