The different types of dental crowns

November 10, 2014, Medgaus Dental Care

A crown is like a cap for your tooth that is cemented into place and covers the entire visible portion of your tooth. I bet most of you have heard of a crown that is meant for a tooth but unless you have had one you might not be familiar with what a crown really is. You may even be surprised to know that there are actually different types of dental crowns. There are three different types of dental crowns that are categorized by what materials they are made of. The thee kinds are:   All metal All ceramic Porcelain fused to metal The all-metal crowns are commonly made of a metal alloy, which might have a silver color, or gold. This type of crown is used mostly for back teeth because they are the strongest materials used for a crown and there is not as much of a cosmetic concern. If you are someone that will need a crown in the near future for a back tooth, this is your best bet. They can be more expensive but the life of the crown is much longer. All-ceramic (or porcelain) crowns are a great and slightly newer type of crown for people concerned about a "normal" or natural looking tooth. The ceramic type of crown isn't quite as strong as the all-metal crowns so it is more likely to be used on front teeth. If you get a porcelain crown you should expect to replace it more often than a metal crown. There are a couple options for a ceramic crown if this is something that you are considering. If you would like a crown that has an excellent appearance even if you have to wait a bit for it to be milled you could get a porcelain jacket. They have been around for over 100 years and are usually used on just the front teeth since they are not very strong. They are the most realistic looking option available. A modern ceramic crown can be used if you are interested in a same-day crown. Most of the modern ceramic crowns can be milled quickly meaning you will get your dental work done the same day with no extra wait. If you don't want to bother with a temporary crown or a delay in tooth repair this is a great option. Some modern ceramic crowns are focused on a more realistic appearance. like what you can get with the porcelain jacket, so you might not be able to get a same-day crown with these. Porcelain fused to metal can offer "the best of both worlds" in a way. This kind of crown gives your tooth a metal base with a porcelain shell. It would be like if you put an all metal crown on your tooth and then put a porcelain jacket over it. The porcelain and metal are fused together in high heat to make one crown so the procedure is just as simple as either of the other two types of crowns (don't worry). The nicest part of this crown is the strength the metal gives it while still having a realistic tooth appearance from the porcelain. With all the types of dental crowns available today, what kind would you prefer to have?