Why Invisalign is the superior choice for teeth straightening

December 03, 2019, Langley Dental Practice

We all know that braces carry an element of social stigma in the way that they’re noticeable by most, which is why more and more people are turning to invisible braces – or Invisalign.   What are Invisalign / invisible braces? The term itself ‘invisible braces’ is pretty self-explanatory – it refers to a way of fundamentally straightening the teeth that uses clear plastic aligners (known as ‘trays’) to gradually move teeth into alignment. Invisalign uses advanced technology which makes the braces pretty much undetectable – most people can’t see the braces unless they’re told that somebody is wearing them (for closer inspection!) Invisalign is the most notable brand in the UK and one with the best reputation for both discreetness and results. What can Invisalign be used for? Invisible braces treat a whole host of different tooth alignment problems, these include the following as per info from Horsforth Smile Clinic who specialise in Invisalign Leeds - Under bite - Gaps between teeth - Crossbite - Open bite - Over bite - Crooked teeth - Overcrowding They’re also a good choice for people whose teeth have slowly started to move back to original positions following prior orthodontic treatment. Invisalign has a superb strike rate in dealing with over 90% of orthodontic cases – only is it in severe cases where people may require a different type of brace. Why the popularity? Essentially the main reason why Invisalign has rocketed in popularity is because of the whole discreet element. Many adults and children alike are extremely worried about the social stigma of braces and many choose not to have braces. The problem with this is that by not treating misaligned teeth early on can wreak havoc later on in life. Okay, but how does Invisalign work? The Invisalign process is relatively simple. Firstly your orthodontist will begin by taking a mould of your teeth which are then used to create a digital blueprint of your moth using the latest in imaging technology. The scan can show you how your teeth currently look and can also be amended to show how they will look after using invisible braces. This gives you an idea as well as the orthodontist of the results that are expected from the treatment. It may in some cases be necessary to have your teeth filled as part of the treatment, your orthodontist will advise if this needs to be done. Each aligner is customised entirely for your mouth – to fit your teeth only. The retainer itself then applies pressure in the exactly the right places to slowly shift the teeth into desired alignment. You’ll need to switch out your Invisalign retainer every one to two weeks depending on what your dentist advises – but this doesn’t mean having a check-up. Your dentist will probably advise coming back every 4-6 weeks to check progress and that your treatment is on course to gain the desired results. Treatment can take around 9-18 months or more (typically lasts over a year). Longer treatment will require for more trays to be made and can cost a lot more – but ask your dentist before approving the treatment about this. What happens after treatment? Are your Invisalign treatment is over, you will need to wear a retainer at night to keep your teeth in place. Your dentist may recommend wearing them during the day at first as well – each case is different. At the end of it all though, one this is certain, Invisalign works and it has been changing many peoples’ lives for the better. Invisalign is a fantastic investment for anyone looking to enhance their smile and just boost their self-confidence. Good luck!