How Dentures are Made

November 15, 2014, setve dentistrty

hi When you visit a dentist to obtain dentures, the dentist typically follows a few basic procedures. The Impression And Assessment Stage - The Actual Dentures Are Often Created Off Site In A Lab   During this stage, the dentist will discuss the reasons why you need dentures.  Then, the dental specialist will inspect your month and every area that has tissue.  The condition of your teeth will also be examined.  Finally, an impression of your mouth will be taken before you leave the clinic.   The process of making the impression requires the use of unique material.  The material has the consistency of a soft dough.  The dough-like material will be placed in a stock tray, which is a plastic container.  The stock tray fits in your mouth over your jaw.  Each impression will be made individually; once made, the dentist lets the mold set to a solid consistency that is somewhat rubbery.   After the dentist removes the impression from your mouth, it will be examined carefully because all relevant information must be present.  Then, the impression is sent to a dental lab with specific details for the lab employees. The next stage involves making a custom-made tray.  This is an important step because the trays that are used to make the first impression are standard sized trays.  Custom trays always have to be measured.  Once the impression is made, it is sent back to the lab so that dental specialists can produce a model.   The Bite Stage - The Actual Dentures Are Often Created Off Site In A Lab   Shortly before your next visit to the clinic, a technician will mold the model so that it resembles a wax denture.  A technician uses the wax to register the lower and upper jaw area together.  The dentist then measures the mold to determine the proper positions for each specific tooth.  During this stage, the Orlando dentist will choose the tooth color and size.   Test Stage - The Actual Dentures Are Often Created Off Site In A Lab   After the dental laboratory has gathered enough information from the bite stage, technicians use the data to construct the denture.  They build the denture by using teeth and special wax.  Technicians also use an articulator so that they can construct the denture in the proper position for the patient’s mouth.  While the mold is housed in the articulator, the correct teeth are chosen based on the information that the patient and dentist provided.   Technicians use a hot knife to soften the wax.  Once heated, each tooth is placed on the wax.  Then, the wax is shaped so     that it will blend with the patient’s existing tissues.  Finally, the denture is sent to the dentist for an inspection.  The dentist will examine the teeth’s positions, the biting positions, and the overall appearance. The Fit Stage - The Actual Dentures Are Often Created Off Site In A Lab Once the wax dentures return to the lab, technicians convert the wax portion to plastic.    To construct the mold, dental specialists place the wax into boiling water.  In its softened condition, technicians can separate the mold after the remaining wax boils away.  After boiling is completed, the mold will have a space where the wax are previous located.  Technicians fill the space with plastic, which has a consistency of dough.  Then, the dental specialists place the two halves together after all excess material is squeezed under a press.   Pressure is used to hold the mold together; then, the mold is placed in a curing bath so that the plastic can harden.  The hardening process usually takes several hours. Hardening is the final step of the construction process.  At this point, the finished denture is sent to the dentist so that it can be fitted.