Frequently Asked Questions About Cosmetic Dentistry

December 03, 2014, horizondds

In terms of your confidence, it’s important to have teeth that are in good condition. This is possible when you seek help from a Chino Valley best dentist, who can do a lot of things to enhance the look and structure of your teeth.   When Should You Get Help From A Cosmetic Dentist?    Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry include who are good candidates for these types of procedures? Generally, if your teeth are severely damaged, such as a chipped or missing tooth, it’s important to seek help from a cosmetic dentist. For chipped teeth, your Chino Valley best dentist will perform a procedure called bonding. This is where a composite material is molded around your tooth. After it has been formed correctly, the material is hardened by a UV light. The material is then painted to match the rest of your tooth, giving you an authentic look. This procedure doesn’t hurt at all, and it will not take too long to complete.   Teeth Whitening   Sometimes after not brushing regularly, your teeth may start to turn yellow. This effect doesn’t have to last forever, though. You can get help from a cosmetic dentist, who will put a special peroxide gel on the front surface of your teeth. This gel contains whitening properties, enhancing the whiteness of your teeth with just one visit. The whitening process takes around an hour to complete. You don’t have to worry about any of the peroxide gel getting on your tongue, as a device called a spacer is placed in your mouth. Your teeth may feel sensitive after a while, but you can brush your teeth with some fluoride toothpaste to get rid of this feeling.   Dental Implants   Another common procedure that is done by a cosmetic dentist is the placement of dental implants. These can go in your mouth to replace any missing teeth. That way, you will have a complete smile again that you are not afraid to show off to the world. The dental implant procedure is pretty lengthy, so this should be taken into consideration.   Usually, it can take around 6-7 months to complete. First, the dentist will numb the gums in your mouth, and then secure the dental implant where the missing tooth is. After months have gone by and your gums have healed, a post will be attached to the implant. Finally, a prosthetic tooth will be secured to the post, giving you a complete smile again.   Dental implants are great for several reasons. For one, they look and feel just like real teeth. You don’t have to worry about anyone noticing that there are implants in your mouth when talking. Also, implants are extremely durable and will last a lifetime if properly taken care of. Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry, particularly in terms of implants, are how long will they stay white? They will stay white forever, as long as you brush and floss your teeth often.   If something is wrong with your teeth, smiling may not be something you enjoy. You can get your teeth restored when you seek help from a Chino Valley best dentist. Some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry are answered above, helping you make an informed decision concerning your teeth.