Five Essential to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

March 16, 2020, Langley Dental Practice

You may have heard that you need to brush twice to keep your teeth healthy but there is more to do. You might be doing flossing and brushing but do you know about tongue cleaning and fluoride use. You must be aware of the dental tool kit that you must own. Let’s find out what are those essential which you need to keep your teeth healthy. Toothbrush Toothbrush is a basic essential that you must keep in your dental tool kit. According to the dentist, there are hard, medium and soft bristles toothbrushes available in the market. You should buy a soft bristles toothbrush. If you brush your teeth harshly and don’t brush in a circular motion then you can buy an electric brush that will prevent you from harsh brushing your teeth. Toothpaste While buying toothpaste, choose toothpaste that contains fluoride to protect your tooth enamel. You will see that much toothpaste have ingredients which fight back to teeth sensitivity, gingivitis disease. If you have such problems then you can buy toothpaste by keeping in mind your need. Dental Floss Floss is as important as brushing teeth so dental floss is a must keep essential in your dental kit. Flossing your teeth once a day can prevent your teeth from plaque and remove food particles. Dental flossing comes in waxed and unwaxed. If your teeth are tight then you can choose waxed floss. There are many flavourful floss in the market and you can buy one which you like, try to repeat the same brand and flavour that you like. Dental picks and sticks According to dentist Maple Ridge, if you are lazy to flossing or don’t have time then you can have dental picks and sticks to remove plaque and food particles from your teeth. These sticks have small bristles which can reach where your brush could not reach. Just brush your teeth gently where your brush could not reach. Mouthwash For different problems, there are different kinds of mouthwash. Few prevent your tooth from food decay and plaque; few can prevent bad breath, while few contain fluoride. So it is up to you which you need and buy according to you. So, for good oral health and hygiene, you need a good dental kit that can help you to fight from dental problems. For more information on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy, you can visit dentist Maple Ridge and consult the dentist.