Gum Disease Treatment Can Help Recovering Addicts

March 31, 2020, Functional Aesthetic Dentistry

Some patients affected by gum disease, are those that have previously been addicted to drugs. Drug addiction is costly in more ways than one. No monetary cost will overcome the biggest cost of all, as it is always your health that suffers most. The deterioration of your health isn’t just limited to your bodily functions, it extends to include your oral and dental health as well. This can lead to gum disease and in many cases, periodontal disease of the worst kind. Did you know that rehabilitation works better when it’s combined with proper dental treatments? In this article, we will answer a few of these questions outlined. What is Gum Disease? How do you acquire this condition? How can periodontal disease treatment stop this from progressing? Especially, if you are a victim of persistent drug abuse. What is Gum Disease? Otherwise Known as Periodontitis. Periodontitis is normally in reference to the rapid deterioration of the gum tissue. It is also known as advanced periodontal disease. It causes the gums to recede from its original position and allows the exposed pockets of enamel to build added bacteria that can further create an infection. Depending on the stage of deterioration that the gums are in, prior to your visit to the dentist, you could be recommended medication or direct surgery. By this stage, advanced periodontal disease treatment will be necessary. How is Periodontal Disease Developed? Gum disease has several factors, but it is fair to say that all long-term drug abusers will have problems with their teeth. Drug addiction puts you at higher risk of periodontal disease. The reason for this lies in both the substances they are taking, and the neglect of proper oral health care routines. When you are intoxicated, the last thought on your mind is probably your teeth. The money that you might have spent on the dentist is otherwise spent on getting your next fix. Aside from all of this, the chances of you remembering to brush your teeth twice a day, floss and rinse with mouthwash, are slim to none. Gum disease develops in this un-protected mess because bacteria is allowed to develop unchecked. What Are the Negative Effects of Gum Disease? Periodontal treatment for drug addicts is necessary and has been proven to aid during the recovery process. Negative effects include tooth loss, sore, aching, swollen, or red gums, and even the loss of several teeth in a row. Gum disease doesn’t just make your gums recede, leading to exposed, tender areas of the tooth enamel, it also increases bone loss in and around the jaw. What Is the Correlation Between Drug Addiction and Gum Disease? Studies in the American Addiction Center detail the correlation between drug addiction and gum disease. Aside from taking in chemicals that deteriorate your oral health. It seems the correlation is caused by neglect of oral health care practice by abusers, while the individual is in the throes of addiction. Cost and a lack of appreciation for the aesthetic resemblance of bad teeth to a drug addicts, are two further factors. It seems heavy drug abusers don’t really care what they look like as long as their dealer doesn’t run out of supplies. Some other factors incorporate: Lack of blood circulation in the gums. Loss of teeth through nutritional deficiencies aggravating the condition. Grinding of the teeth excessively. Dry mouth causes a buildup of acids that damage the teeth and cause plaque. Why Do Drug Addicts Have A Higher Chance of Success If They Undergo Gum Disease Treatment During Their Rehabilitation? Think about yourself. If you have a nice smile and white clean teeth, you are much more confident. You are much more likely to be pleased with your smile if your teeth aren’t stained yellow, in need of repair, or generally suffering from periodontal disease. When you engage in gum disease treatment for drug addicts, you notice a big change. Additionally, people will probably treat you differently because there is less judgement when they acknowledge you. You are more likely to get that job, be successful in your personal life, and land that date if you want to. Simply put, a winning smile is called a winning smile for a reason. When you recover from drug addiction and seek out that oral treatment, you earn yourself a winning smile. Quitting drugs is one of the hardest things in anyone’s life. After you quit, preventative oral health care to avoid gum disease is easy by comparison. Post Rehabilitation – What Should Drug Addicts Continue to Do? You should continue to get a checkup as normal as every 6 months. On top of a checkup, regular teeth cleaning is part of a good oral hygiene. Furthermore, be sure to brush those pearly whites every single day, at least twice per day. Your teeth should be brushed in the morning and in the evening, and you should swirl non-alcohol mouthwash or chew sugar free gum around lunchtime for the best results. Chewing sugar free gum that contains Xylitol allows saliva to develop which helps clean oral cavities from food particles left behind during lunch time. A lot like drinking water, which consistent hydration also proves to remove food particles from areas in the mouth. We hope you’ve learned a lot from this article. Comment below and visit our website to check out the other valuable pieces of information we’ve made available to you. Like our profile, follow us and find us on Facebook when you search for Dr. Suffoletta’s Functional Aesthetic Dentistry.