Why Houston Residents Should Get Their Wisdom Teeth Removed

May 10, 2020, Best Dental

An article on wisdom teeth problems, and why they should be removed Wisdom Teeth can cause a myriad of issues both intraorally and systemically. The removal of wisdom teeth is a highly common procedure. Early wisdom tooth removal in younger patients has proven to be easier with a more rapid and comfortable recovery for the patient. Wisdom teeth are one of the most common problems handled Best Dental. Choosing a highly traned team of wisdom teeth removal experts is a crucial factor in the care and outcome that you receive. Wisdom teeth are one of the most common problems handled at Best Dental. Wisdom Teeth Survival Guide Usually, an adult will develop four wisdom teeth, one in each quadrant (corner) of the jaw for a total of 4. The first adult molar generally erupts (surfaces in the mouth) at or around the age of 6 years old and is often referred to as a “6 year molar”. At or around the age of 12, the second molar will erupt directly behind the first molar and may be referred to as a “12 year molar”. The expectation is for the third molar (also known as the wisdom tooth) to erupt directly behind the second molar around the age of 18. Since they are the last teeth to erupt the are affectionately called wisdom teeth. Problems Associated With Impacted Wisdom Teeth   When a wisdom tooth is unable to erupt or push through into the mouth, it is referred to as an impacted wisdom tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth may be fully embedded in the jawbone or may be partially exposed into the mouth. Impacted wisdom teeth usually result from an inadequate amount of space in the jawbone and/or a misalignment of the tooth itself, meaning the wisdom tooth is tilted, angled or crooked. These impacted wisdom teeth and their surrounding soft tissue may become inflamed, painful, infected, and/or decayed. Additionally, they may compromise the periodontal (gum) health of the adjacent second molar and/or contribute to decay in the second molar as well. Rarely, the tissue around wisdom teeth may develop into localized cysts which in turn may compromise the strength and integrity of the jawbone if not treated. When Should You Remove Your Wisdom Teeth? At Best Dental, Dr. Jasmine Naderi is able to comprehensively evaluate the condition of your wisdom teeth and if wisdom tooth removal is needed, Dr. Naderi will form a customized treatment plan just for you. In general, the need to remove wisdom teeth can be determined by the following categorizations: 1. Complaint group: Patients who present with a complaint of pain and/or swelling, or have bad breath (halitosis). Typically the patient will have a decayed wisdom tooth and/or infected soft tissue (pericoronitis) surrounding the wisdom tooth. They often have difficulty opening their mouth and their face and or neck may be swollen. The pain may increase when biting as well. In more advanced scenarios fever may be present along with difficulty swallowing. 2. Silent problem group: This group includes patients who have a situation that they are not aware of such as decay (cavities/caries) or periodontal disease (gum disease) that are silent or dormant. Possibly, although rarely, they may have a localized cyst or tumor. These patients are typically identified on a routine examination. 3. Preventative group: This group of patients is the classic group of 16- 25 year olds in whom impacted wisdom teeth during routine radiographic work up and specific exams. Often, but not always, they will have undergone orthodontic treatment. The removal of wisdom teeth is generally beneficial to prevent the onset of pain, infection, periodontal disease (periodontitis) and caries (decay, cavities). Surgical removal of impacted wisdom teeth in this group is often the easiest with the quickest recovery and least amount of risk. As mentioned earlier, Wisdom Teeth can cause a myriad of problems including infections and facial swelling. Removing them at a young age is not only prudent, but it will also help you save money in the future. For more information about low cost wisdom teeth removal, contact our team today. (281) 762-0637.