Tips for Straightening Your Teeth Using Aligners

May 22, 2020, Langley Dental Practice

Besides brushing and flossing your teeth, you need to do many other things to keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you want to straighten your teeth, then following the daily hygiene routine is not enough. You must have heard about aligners. What Aligners do? Aligners work in the same way that traditional braces used to work to carefully forcing your teeth into a new and right position. It remodels the bone and forces the body to adapt it. The periodontal ligament surrounding the tooth is stretched by the applied force to move the teeth from one side to other. What is aligner technology? The alternative of orthodontic braces is called aligners technology. These are made up of a thin sheet of plastic shells that are responsible to move teeth in small increments when someone wears them regularly. Unlike the braces, the patient does not need to attach the aligners, instead it can be removed and changed at the small intervals of days.  How do aligners work? Aligners are designed in such a way that it can put little and gentle pressure to the teeth to make small movements. The pressure is applied to the jaws through roots. As your sockets move, your jaw responds to the movement and your teeth also move with the applied pressure. Unlike the braces, the change in the teeth alignment is comparatively small, so, the aligner technology is considered comfortable and less painful treatment. The one, who is using aligners, must wear it at least 22 hours per day for the most effective results. Meanwhile, Patient is allowed to remove the aligners while eating, brushing and flossing their teeth. How do clear aligners straighten teeth? To move your teeth is not just snapping aligners but a few things are required in the aligner technology to move the teeth. As aligners are not attached to the teeth, so, it requires some pressure points on which the pressure is applied to move the teeth. These pressure points are called "attachments". These attachments are of the same colour as your tooth and bonded on your teeth during the treatment. However, the shape and placement depend on the requirement of the movement. There are chances that you might need “elastics” in your treatment that is a common technology used in the traditional orthodontics. Elastics are required to shift the upper and lower teeth. These elastics are used in the aligner slots. Aligners can treat the minor as well as complex cases but in case of severe cases, conventional orthodontics is considered the best solution. Things to Remind while wearing aligners • If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth with clear, at-home aligners, websites such as can help to build up your knowledge before starting treatment. • To complete the treatment on the time and for the expected and desired results, you need to wear aligners at least for 22 hours a day. • No matter if you are using elastics, you need to wear aligners to apply force so that your teeth can move. • Visit your orthodontist at the scheduled time for further treatment. • Wear the fit and right aligners and contact your orthodontist if you notice any changes in the aligners fitting. • Be positive as it may take some time to complete the treatment. Don’t lose hope and keep yourself reminded that the goal will be achieved.