What to Expect After Dental Implant Surgery

May 22, 2020, Langley Dental Practice

Did you just opt for promising dental implant surgery? Can you see a happier future but just can’t get past the difficult questions?   You want to know how long it will take to heal, how long it will keep you away from work, and so on. Relax, because it's definitely not as bad as you think. It just depends on how the treatment goes and how well you take care of yourself after the operation. What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are artificial teeth implanted in the mouth and jaw and are often used when people lose teeth as they mature. Most dental implants are designed to look and behave like real teeth and are the nearest thing to normal, healthy teeth that you can find. Not only does this help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the face but dental implants also protect the internal integrity of the mouth by preventing the other teeth from unnaturally or constantly slipping out of their usual positions in the mouth. Here is what you Should Expect After a Dental Implant Surgery 1. Bleeding It is common to experience mild bleeding after a dental implant procedure. Your dentist may ask you to place pressure on the region by biting down tightly on a gauze pad for about an hour. Afterwards, the pad should be cleaned away gently. Repeat the cycle with another gauze pad for another 30 minutes, if desired. Bite a moistened tea bag for 30 minutes in the unfortunate event bleeding continues. The tannic acid in the tea leaves helps facilitate blood coagulation. 2. Swelling Face swelling after oral surgery is common. It's not unusual to swell around the jaw, ears, eyes and facial sides. This is the natural response of the body to surgery and final repair. After the dental implant surgery, jaw muscle rigidity may make opening your mouth uncomfortable or difficult for a couple of days. This is a common post-operative occurrence that will cease in time. The swelling can, however, be reduced by the prompt use of ice packs. 3. Pain Inevitably, the anesthetic used to manage your pain during the surgery will fade away shortly after the dental implant operation. Once this happens, you should consider taking painkillers. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen. However, after the surgery, most patients feel no discomfort and are comfortable going about their everyday lives. Eating After a Dental Implant Surgery Just beverages or pureed foods will be eaten within the first three days after the treatment. Do not use a straw because it causes pressure that can stress the fresh implant(s) and lead to bleeding. The key thing to note is that meals cannot be missed - to support the healing process, you need to preserve your energy levels. In a few days, you will be able to return to some solid foods until the implant feels more normal and comfortable in your jaw. Dental Implant Recovery Although the situation of each patient is unique, rehabilitation following dental implant surgery happens in a variety of stages. Typical discomforts associated with oral surgery may be expected. Your oral surgeon will administer antibiotics to reduce the risk of being sick. If discomfort continues or is especially serious you can seek treatment for pain. Resting, using ice packs, and consuming only healthy foods will reduce discomfort, swelling, and bleeding. The implant site needs to stay sterile in order for the implant to connect together with the jawbone. Bear in mind, however, that a dental implant will support the patient for life if properly cared for. Osstem tooth implants have a good resource for dental care aftercare which you should definitely consider using. Regular Check-Ups The entire procedure may take three to nine months, depending on the amount and form of implants and new teeth you are getting. Once you have completed your dental implant installation, you should see your dental implant dentist periodically for follow-up examinations, much as you do with your normal dentist. Long-Term Care Usually, dental implants require the same dental hygiene as your normal teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss and visit the dentist for regular follow up visits to keep them clean. Dental implants do not suffer tooth decay, but periodontal disease can affect them, so it's necessary to exercise proper dental hygiene. Conclusion A dental implant will leave you with a very real-looking and working tooth or teeth if all goes well. Your dentist will supply you with a list of instructions you will need to follow after the surgery. Make sure you attend follow-up appointments – these visits are meant to ensure that you heal properly. If you have any concerns about your treatment, you need to ask them during the follow-up visit.