Everything You Need to Know About Endodontic Treatment

July 10, 2020, Langley Dental Practice

When a tooth is decayed severely, it requires the conservative dentistry and endodontics services by the endodontist with significant experience in this field. Another term for endodontics is root canal therapy that is performed by an endodontist.   However, tooth extraction is usually not recommended because it is best to maintain natural teeth as much as possible.Endodontists are valuable partners that help patients to save their natural teeth. After the bacteria are gone, the qualified endodontist fills the root canal with filler or a veneer in the dental clinic. When the pulp is damaged, you should visit an endodontist specialist with significant experience immediately to prevent further complications. The endodontist specialist uses a local anesthetic before endodontic treatment. It means that the process is not painless, and the pain will not be more than filling a tooth. The endodontic is usually successful. In about 9 out of 10 cases, a tooth can last for more than ten years after treatment. Post-Dental Care It is essential to take care of your teeth during recovery after getting the endodontic services. The person should avoid chewing hard foods to complete the treatment. After the final step, the person's restored tooth, although it may be sensitive for several days, should not be painful. Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to relieve any discomfort. If you are suffering from persistent pain or swelling in your face after taking painkillers, you should immediately visit the emergency endodontist. In most cases, the following can be used to prevent further treatments: -  Maintain good oral hygiene -  Limit consuming sugary foods -  Quit smoking Endodontics Is the Final Option In the past, many dentists perform endodontic microsurgery or surgical endodontics to relieve pain. But in modern dentistry, the priority is to keep the components of the teeth healthy and to repair the damaged parts. Molars have three roots. According to the endodontic specialists, one, two, or all three sessions may be required. Tooth Pain After Endodontics Usually, after root canal treatment, you will have a toothache, and the specialist in endodontics will prescribe painkillers to eliminate the infections and relieve the pain. Please avoid taking painkillers arbitrarily because you may be taking painkillers that are not compatible with your body's immune system. How Long Can a Tooth Last After Endodontics? The endodontic treatment has been successful in more than 95% of cases and can last a lifetime. The most important thing to do to save the tooth as much as possible is to immediately receive permanent restorative materials (fillers and veneers) after the treatment in the endodontic office. Moreover, do not forget to maintain proper oral and dental hygiene. A root canaled tooth can still have a hole. Therefore, to save the tooth, you must brush and floss regularly. Since there are no nerves in the tooth, the person will not feel any symptoms if they have a hole. Teeth only become painful when they are broken, or there is an abscess around them. The endodontist specialist will take periodic x-rays of the patient's teeth to check for re-infection or other treatment failure signs.