9 Signs You Should Get a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

August 25, 2020, Dentistry

Wisdom teeth typically occur between the ages of 17 and 21. Scientists suggest that we have wisdom teeth that helped human ancestors to grind rough food such as nuts, leaves, meats, and roots However, these teeth are not always functional and can cause some dental issues in the future. Some dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth to prevent problems, even if the patient is not having common signs. So, let’s review symptoms that are provoked by wisdom teeth and require medical attention: 1. Irritation and pain The growth of wisdom teeth can be accompanied by pain and discomfort. If you started to experience constant dental pain, visit your dentist for an exam and an x-ray. Your doctor will determine whether the pain is caused by wisdom teeth or other issues. If wisdom tooth pain is severe, the dentist might recommend removal. 2. Cavities The position of wisdom teeth might affect cleaning surfaces where bacteria can accumulate. Gum irritation can mean the development of pockets between the teeth which can lead to plaque buildup and eventually infection.   3. Teeth are shifted If the wisdom teeth grow improperly, they can make other teeth move over and even damage them. Wisdom tooth removal can prevent damage and teeth shifting. Experts believe that the improper growth of teeth can be caused by the fact that human jaws are not large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth which can eventually lead to teeth shifting. 4. Impacted wisdom teeth Sometimes, people develop impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can provoke jaw pain, bad breath, bleeding and swollen gums, jaw stiffness, and even difficulty opening your mouth.  5. Gum inflammation The growth of wisdom teeth can cause inflammation of gum tissue around the teeth. This is called pericoronitis. The signs of acute pericoronitis include pain when swallowing, bad breath, severe pain near your back teeth, gum swelling, and the discharge of pus. 6. Difficulty eating Having discomfort and pain when eating can be due to the growth of wisdom teeth. This can contribute to many issues, especially if you can’t brush properly the back of the mouth. Talk to your dentist about care products to fix this issue. However, you might also need tooth extraction. 7. Sinus problems Sinus problems can arise when wisdom teeth grow in on the upper jaw. That’s because these teeth can push and rub against the sinuses and put pressure on them. Although this issue is uncommon, the growth of upper wisdom teeth can contribute to sinus, pressure, pain, congestions, and headaches. 8. Dental cyst The wisdom teeth develop in sacs within the jawbone. However, sometimes, the sac can fill with fluid, this is called a cyst. If left untreated, a cyst can damage teeth, nerves, roots, and the jawbone. If a cyst is severe and untreated, it can develop into a cancerous tumor.  9. Incorrect growth Sometimes, when wisdom teeth develop, they can take up too much space in your mouth. Wisdom teeth can’t be straightened out with braces or any other procedures. The only solution is wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist can decide which teeth might need to be extracted. They might recommend removing all of them or only a few. Before you develop wisdom teeth, you have 28 teeth in your mouth and after these teeth grow in, there are 32 teeth. However, there might not be enough place in everyone’s mouths to fit these extra teeth which can contribute to discomfort and pain.