What Are Mini Implants and When Should They Be Used

September 18, 2020, Functional Aesthetic Dentistry

Mini dental implants are a great solution for those who can't undergo invasive dental procedures. They are a great alternative to traditional dental implants. If you’ve suffered tooth loss and can’t undergo an invasive restoration procedure, getting mini-dental implants may be your solution. There are many reasons why an individual can’t undergo invasive dental procedures. As such, we’ve outlined some of the reasons a person would opt-in for a mini dental implant. Fear of invasive surgery Health risk Lack of bone mass What Are Mini-Implants? Mini dental implants resemble regular dental implants; however, they are a slightly smaller version of the actual implant. These implants consist of a titanium post that has a ball at the end of it. It also has a socket and a rubber o-ring which connects to the tooth or the crown. While a regular implant is anywhere between 3.4 to 5.8mm wide, these small implants are anywhere between 1.8 to 3.3mm. What Teeth Do They Support Mini-implants can replace almost any tooth in your mouth, however, they are better at securing loose teeth and lower arch dentures. This helps provide a supporting structure that enables a tooth to hold strong and steady while increasing its lifespan. Getting Mini-Implants Unlike regular dental implants, mini-implants don’t take months to be fitted into your mouth. Dental implants require multiple sittings and it could include bone grafting to provide the right support for the implant. For those who are not able to undergo this procedure, mini implants are a great choice. One of the best features about these implants is that you can be fitted on the same day with local anesthesia. You don’t require any sutures and better yet you can use them the very same day they are fitted. Apart from being extremely easy to adapt to, these mini implants are also a great choice for people who don’t have time to stay at home and recover. Caring for Mini Implants While getting a mini implant is not an invasive procedure, your gums and mouth will still be a little sensitive. This is why you should stick to using a soft bristle toothbrush and avoid hard food for at least a week. This will give your gums sufficient time to heal and it will enable you to use them more effectively. How Long Do Mini Dental Implants Last? Mini dental implants are long-lasting; however, the lifespan of the implant can vary depending on various factors. These include: Alcohol Substance abuse Lack of dental hygiene Failure to keepup with dental appointments Smoking Chewing tobacco Osteoporosis or other bone disease The truth is that every mouth is different. While some people get comfortable with their mini-implants the very same day it’s fitted, others could take up to a week to adjust to it. Mini-Implants VS Traditional implants Although mini implants may sound like a quick fix for a major problem, the truth is that this is sometimes the only route you can take when a traditional implant cannot be fitted. Sometimes the gap between two teeth is just too small for a traditional implant to be fitted and that's when you have to choose a mini implant. As we mentioned above, health factors also determine whether or not you are an ideal candidate for traditional implants or mini implants. How Much Do Mini-Implants Cost? Mini dental implants cost anywhere between $500 and $1,500. This is less in comparison to traditional implants. Why Are Mini-Implants Cheaper? More affordable implant screw: Unlike traditional implants, the screws used in mini implants are smaller and more cost effective. Easier procedure: While a traditional dental implant is a full-fledged surgery, mini implants are less invasive and do not require any surgery. Mini implants are cheaper because it requires less time and effort. Eliminates the need for bone grafting: While bone grafting isn’t necessary for all dental implant procedures, patients with low jawbone density do need bone grafting and this means an extra cost. There are various benefits of getting mini dental implants, especially if you are not an ideal candidate for regular implants. Mini implants come at a better price, do not require surgery, and do not mandate for patients to rest for it to heal. They are a better alternative to dentures and are as stable and comfortable as regular teeth. These implants help to improve speech, chewing, and also prevent jaw degeneration.