5 Reasons Many Prefer Clear Aligners Over Traditional Braces

July 28, 2015, Forest North Dental

Today's dental patients have more options at their disposal than ever before. When it comes to straightening teeth, it typically comes down to clear aligners versus traditional braces. More and more patients are choosing clear aligners. Here's 5 reasons why:   You want to straighten your teeth, but you don’t want to deal with the hassles and pain that come with traditional braces. So instead of taking steps to finally get the beautiful, confident smile you’ve always wanted, you opt to keep your teeth hidden.   That’s one solution, but it certainly isn’t the best. If the thought of wearing traditional braces is the only thing keeping you from a straighter smile, it’s time for you to learn about clear aligners and how they can help.   Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, make the straightening process much more comfortable, no matter your age. Here are five reasons to consider Invisalign clear aligners if you’re ready to straighten your teeth, but aren’t ready for traditional braces and the aggravation they bring.   1. No one will ever know you’re wearing them. When someone has braces, you can’t help but notice the brackets and wires in their mouth. This makes people feel self-conscious, and may even keep them from straightening their teeth at all. With Invisalign, this isn’t an issue. The clear aligners are nearly invisible, so you won’t be self-conscious about your smile while you’re wearing them.   2. They’re comfortable. Not only are braces unattractive, they also can be pretty uncomfortable. Why? The sharp metal wires tend to poke and irritate the cheeks and gums, which may even lead to mouth sores.   Invisalign clear aligners are made of smooth plastic, making them much more comfortable than traditional braces. Most of the time you won’t even remember you’re wearing them.   3. You can brush and floss like normal. When you have braces, it takes a lot more effort to brush and floss your teeth. With clear aligners, you just remove them when you’re ready, and then brush and floss like normal. This not only makes maintaining your oral health easier, it makes you less likely to have tooth decay, plaque buildup or tooth discoloration once you’re done with treatment—all common problems that come with wearing braces.   4. There are no food restrictions. Once you have braces, you dentist will give you a list of foods you can’t eat—including popcorn, candy and corn on the cob. If you opt for clear aligners, you can eat whatever you want. You just have to take the aligners out every time you’re ready to sit down to a meal or enjoy a beverage, and then brush and floss before you put them back in.   5. You won’t need to spend a lot of time at the dentist. During your Invisalign treatment, you’ll only need to go to the dentist every four to six weeks. It’s not a huge time commitment, so even the busiest people can fit it into their schedule.   Finally getting the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted doesn’t have to be painful, or make you even more self-conscious about your smile during treatment. If you’re ready to straighten your teeth but don’t want to deal with traditional braces, talk with your dentist about Invisalign and how it might work for you.