4 Major Reasons to Take Your Children to the Pediatric Dentist

June 02, 2016, Billings Dental Care

Over 20 percent of the population is afraid of visiting the dentist. At least part of this stems from bad experiences that we have when we’re young, only to repeat as we get older. Fun fact: Over 20 percent of the population is afraid of visiting the dentist. At least part of this stems from bad experiences that we have when we’re young, only to repeat as we get older. Unfortunately, this fear of the dentist can lead to worse dental health as people get older and can even become a major health problem. This is why pediatric dentists play a critical role in helping your child to have healthy teeth, as well as educating you about how to help your child maintain goo dental hygiene and how to keep your own pearly whites clean. The general dentist is a good resource to keep your own teeth clean, but the one-size-fits-all perspective often overlooks the unique needs of your child. Visiting a pediatric dentist will give you a more clear understanding of and more specialized care. Here are four major reasons to take your kids to the pediatric dentist: Children’s dental needs are unique. Most parents understand clearly that the dental needs of children and adults are pretty different. Whether it’s making sure that their baby teeth are growing in alright, they have a good toothpaste with the right chemical content, or that they are brushing everywhere to prevent decay, making sure your child’s teeth are healthy can take a lot of work. Pediatric dentists totally get it. They often do training beyond what is offered as part of the dental school curriculum so that they can more effectively understand how to help your child and make them feel comfortable in the dentist’s chair. Don’t worry. You can trust the pediatric dentistto make sure that your child is healthy and happy. Pediatric anesthetic reduces your child’s pain.Growing up, I was always scared of going to the dentist because I absolutely did not like pain. If your child is afraid of going or had bad experiences in the past, visiting a pediatric dentist is the best thing that you can do to help them overcome their fears. The techniques and dosages of anesthetic varies quite a bit between children and adults, and by visiting a pediatric dentist you can feel comfortable knowing that the person working on your child’s mouth is highly specialized and qualifiedto tend to your child’s individual needs. Avoiding the one-size-fits all dentistry approach helps make the experience less painful for your child, as well as helps them develop a better appreciation for how to take care of their teeth. You’ll get educated too.One of the huge advantages to visiting the pediatric dentist is that their specialized understanding is usually communicated to you very specifically and clearly. Pediatric dentists often have a higher focus on developing a relationship with their patients, and they make sure that parents understand very clearly what the parents need to do to help their child have healthy teeth. This personal approach often comes with a set of guidelines or directions that are specifically tailored to help your child take care of their teeth. Besides educating you about how to help your child, you’ll probably learn a thing or two about how you can improve your dental health. New techniques make the visits quicker and easier.Whether you’re going in for orthodontics or just routine check-ups, the techniques used by pediatric dentists and orthodontists are state of the art. Some of them use unique technologies like laser dentistry, which can make the time in the chair shorter, as well as reducing the healing time that is required, which helps your child to be up and going a lot quicker. They’re also up-to-date on all the latest materials and techniques that are used in orthodontics like In-Ovation, Incognito, and Invisalign which all make the experience of having braces less apparent and much easier. Overall, visiting the pediatric dentist is the best choice for your child’s teeth. They can help your child have a shorter recovery time, spend less time in the chair, avoid the obvious and painful experiences that accompany having traditional external braces, and generally feel better about their clean, straight, and most importantly, healthy teeth.