
How to put a Dentagama badge on your website

December 01, 2013, DentaGama

Dentagama Badge
Dentagama Badge
Promote your Dentagama profile and gain more reviews You have already created a Dentgama profile? And you have some high quality reviews you would like to show? Now there is a very easy way to direct your website visitors to your Dentagama profile and show them the rating and reviews you've gained. Log in Dentagama using your email and password. Go to the messages section and take a look at the left column. At the bottom you can find your personalized Dentagama badge that links to your official profile. Copy the code provided below and ask your webmaster to put it in your website. That's all you have to do if you would like to link to your official Dentagama profile. You will gain more online visability and your business will be recognizable and easy to find in the search engines. Example: John Aulick DDS has placed his personalized Dentgama badge in his dental clinic website along with his Facebook & Twitter profiles. John Aulick DDS webiste: