
how many pages is 2000 words

December 24, 2020, iVedaHelp Blog
  Students in their most important years of academic life have to fulfil various tasks. Assignments and projects require written pieces to be submitted. Some are short while others can reach up to 2000 words. Such assignments can range from essays, book reports to thesis and it is always an added advantage to know the page count on a word file for such write ups. So how many pages is 2000 words? Well, with the size of 12 in Arial or times New Roman font, your 2000 words article can take up four pages (when single spaced) or eight pages (when double spaced).Generally, you can decide specific word limit for each section of your written piece and structure it as given above. For more page count details of less or more words, visit my other blogs listed under the same category. For Information Visit here:-