Bone Grafting for Dental Implants in Brooklyn

January 08, 2021, LuxDen Dental Center

As we age, bone loss can occur in the upper and lower jaw. This may be a result of periodontitis also known as chronic gum disease. Bacteria from this type of gum infection eats away at the bone tissue, causing the jaw to atrophy, or decrease in size. This jaw atrophy can also be a result of having a tooth or multiple teeth extracted. If this is happening to you, you may want to consider finding out more about dental bone loss and grafts done in our dental implant office in Brooklyn, New York. What is a Bone Graft? A bone graft is done to help rebuild the jaw and provide support to surrounding tissues.  Before, these grafts were often taken from another part of the patient’s body, like the ribs. Now, the procedure is much less complicated and can be done at the dentist’s office. Bovine, or cow, bone is used very successfully, and the body recognizes it as natural bone, which causes the regeneration of new bone in the jaw area. Dental bone grafts have several different applications, and our LuxDen team is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this or any other procedure. Bone Grafts After Tooth Extraction After tooth extraction, the patient has a space in their mouth where the tooth used to be. This area is surrounded by alveolar bone, which supported the now removed tooth. If the tooth is not somehow replaced or that hole is not filled in, the alveolar bone is reabsorbed into the body, and the area around the tooth atrophies. A type of bone graft known as a socket graft, or ridge preservation graft, can prevent this from happening. For this type of graft, bovine bone is usually used, and within a few months, the graft causes new bone to grow so that implant dentist Brooklyn specialist Dr. Umanoff can place tooth implant. Read more: Contact LuxDen Dental Center today to receive more information or to schedule an appointment by calling our office number (718) 489-2966   Working Hours: Monday: 10AM - 8PM Tuesday: 10AM - 8PM Wednesday: Closed Thursday: 10AM - 8PM Friday: 10AM - 3PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: 10AM - 3PM   Payment: cash, check, credit cards.   LuxDen Dental Center 2579 East 17th Street #11, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (718) 489-2966   Web-address: E-mail:   Google maps: Brooklyn   Nearby Locations: Sheepshead Bay | Homecrest | Gravesend | Brighton Beach | Manhattan Beach 11235 | 11229 | 11223 | 11235