Lip injections Limerick

February 17, 2021, ekdantamclinic

As we age, the collagen and elastin fibres and underlying tissues that keep our skin looking plumped and youthful begin to break down, leaving laughter lines and facial creases. Lips also become thinner and over time lose their volume and projection. Dermal Fillers are injected into deep lines and facial imperfections in order to restore volume and smooth facial lines to achieve a more youthful appearance. Tailored treatments are performed by our Aesthetic Nurse Specialist. Bruising and swelling can occur after treatment, however most clients can resume normal activities post treatment. Our aesthetic nurse will discuss all the aftercare during the initial consultation. Treatment can be performed during your consultation, which will be 45 minutes in total. However, the Lip fillers Limerick techniques takes 15-20 minutes. Our nurse will ensure your comfort throughout the treatment. As the needle is injected through the skin it can be slightly uncomfortable, however during your treatment the area becomes numb due to lidocaine in Juvederm products. Clients leave the clinic feeling comfortable. Primrose Aesthetics use Juvederm dermal filler, which is known for being the smoothest and safest dermal filler. Full lips are often seen as a sign of health, beauty, and youthfulness. As we age, the upper lip loses volume and looks less full. Some people feel that their lips have always been too thin. Lip augmentation at Sixth Sense Beauty Clinic can help you have the plump, sculpted lips you desire. Whether to restore what has been lost, or to enhance the current size of your lips, lip augmentation may be the right choice for you Injectable fillers can provide a natural-looking lip enhancement to bring out the best in your face and smile. For those seeking an alternative to lip implants, dermal fillers can provide the look you desire.As you age, your lips – like other parts of your face – will lose volume, taking on a thinner presence. Specifically, your lip’s border will lose fullness, making you look tired and old. Sharp lip edges can change the appearance of your face, helping you look younger with more energy. For this reason and others, many women seek to enhance their facial beauty with lip injections at our clinic. However, follow-up injections are necessary periodically to help continue the results. The regularity of needed lip injections at Sixth Sense Beauty Clinic differ from one patient to the next and depends on which lip filler you use. Because our lips are constantly talking, eating or drinking, lip injections clients require more touch-ups than injections in other areas of the face. The selection of lip fillers at Sixth Sense Beauty Clinic has a three-to-six-month life before results begin to subside. The right lip filler for you depends on your skin condition and other factors. The perfect lip is plump, soft, symmetric, and smooth. A youthful lip has a sharp edge with its plumpness more in the middle and tapering toward the borders. The lower lip has more volume than the upper lip with a natural dumbbell furrow.Our lip fillers at Sixth Sense Beauty Clinic require no downtime. We can administer a topical numbing agent before lip injections for your comfort. We then mark the areas to be injected and insert ultra-fine needles to insert the lip filler gel into your lips. It is best to avoid lipstick or any other cosmetic products immediately after your lip injections. You will realize results immediately, and after a brief healing period, your lips should feel natural.