7 Important Questions to Ask Your Dentist about Dental Implants

November 16, 2021, Robert Chang DDS Pasadena Dental Doc

Do you have one or more missing teeth? If yes, you’re not alone. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS), around 69% of adults (between the ages 35 and 44) have at least one missing tooth. Luckily, the missing tooth problem has several solutions. A dental implant is one of the most popular ones to replace missing teeth. These implants mimic the behavior and functions of your natural tooth root, preserving your jawbone tissue. As we know, a missing tooth is enough to ruin a beautiful smile. It can shake your confidence and hinder your relationship prospects. So if you have missing teeth, feel free to visit our Humble, TX dentist. Below are some important questions you need to ask your dentist if you consider getting an implant. 1. How Is A Dental Implant Placed? Dental implants are screws typically made of titanium. During the procedure, the dentist attaches the screw to your jawbone. They then place a post on the outer end. This screw that goes into your jawbone is known as an implant. Dentists often use implants with crowns. 2. How Long Will The Dental Implant Last? Dental implants can last over 40 years if you care for them. Proper care of implants isn’t so challenging since a specialized cleaning routine is not needed. All you have to do is brush twice a day and floss daily. You also need to regularly see your dentist for dental checkups twice a year to ensure your implants last a lifetime. 3. Can my body reject the implant? Although chances are high that your body may accept an implant, instances occur when a patient’s body rejects implants. When it happens, it’s typically because you’re allergic to the material present in the implant. You may also get disqualified to get implants if you don’t have good oral hygiene habits. So taking proper care of your oral health before and after getting an implant reduces the chances of implant failure. 4. Can People Notice I Have An Implant When I Smile? There’s no way people can notice you got an implant. Dental implants look and feel natural in your mouth. The crown placed on the implant is tailor-made to match the rest of your natural teeth. The only way to detect whether or not a person has an implant is to perform a radiograph. 5. Do Implants Need Special Care? No, dental implants don’t require any special care. This is why implants are becoming more and more popular these days. You can care for them the same way you care for your natural teeth. 6. Are Implants For Everyone? No, patients have to give an exam before dentists determine whether he/she is the right candidate. You must have enough healthy jawbone tissue to undergo the procedure and hold the implant in place. Patients with not enough jawbone structure first need to undergo bone grafting, which increases the patient’s jawbone density. 7. Are Implants Safe? Yes, dental implant surgery is completely safe. Contact Lonestar Dental Center. Our dentist will assess your condition and let you know whether you’re the right candidate.