Malouf Family Dentistry in St. Clair Shores, MI offers Invisalign to help straighten your teeth discreetly! Invisalign has been helping countless smiles. Let us help you today! Do you hate that your front teeth are a bit crooked? Are your teeth overlapping each other? Or perhaps you have gaps between your teeth that you want to close up. Whatever the case might be, there are a variety of misalignments that can be treated with our nearly invisible orthodontic treatment. Who says you have to wear metal braces in order to get results? Our St. Clair Shores, MI, dentist Dr. Sam Malouf is here to tell you why Invisalign might just be the right option for you. There is something amazing about this unique orthodontic approach to a straighter smile. Many teens and adults have been able to revamp their smiles thanks to these clear, removable aligners. Who says that you have to wear bulky metal braces to achieve the ideal smile? Our St. Clair Shores, MI, general dentist knows that the last thing your teen wants to deal with is a mouth full of metal to wear around high school, for school pictures or prom. Teen years can be tough enough without having to add braces to it. Of course, we all know the oral health benefits of having a straighter smile, so being able to wear clear, thin aligners over your teeth is a great and subtle way for your teen to get the results they want without other classmates and friends immediately noticing. Of course, this treatment isn’t just for older teens. Many adults are jumping on the Invisalign bandwagon. You don’t have to just suffer with a crooked, crowded or misaligned smile for the rest of your life. You are never too old to straighten your smile, and with this nearly invisible system, it now makes it possible to do it more discreetly. These aligners are custom-made to fit tightly around your teeth. Each aligner applies just the right amount of force to slowly reposition teeth over the course of your treatment. As you will notice when you swap out your old aligners for new ones, each aligner will fit a bit more snuggly than the last one. This ensures that your teeth continue to move until you have obtained your final results. Pretty amazing, right? Invisalign has been helping countless smiles. Are you next? Well, let’s find out! Call Malouf Family Dentistry in St. Clair Shores, MI, or visit our website at to schedule your free orthodontic assessment. What are you waiting for?