A brief overview of the dental implant procedure, the advantages. A comparison of bridges and removable dentures. Dental implants have a legacy traced back to Mayan civilization around 600 AD when tooth like shells were used as implants. Tooth implants are the perfect replacement for missing teeth. They don’t just restore the chewing ability, but they restore appearance too. They look and fit like a natural teeth. Dental implants are made of titanium which is a material accepted by the body, and doesn’t cause negative tissue reaction. Implants are placed surgically in the jawbone. Implant may replace a missing tooth or many missing teeth. If you have many missing teeth you can put two implants and a bridge. If you don’t have any teeth you can put 2 or 4 implants and make denture based on implants. Dental implants are also used to make ridge modification if there is any defect in the ridge or deformity. We can use bone graft to fill in the defect and then use the implants. Dental implant is a lifelong option to restore a missing tooth. When comparing it to a bridge, bridge needs to remove some of the healthy tissue of the neighboring natural tooth, it’s not a lifetime option and it may need replacement, in contrast, dental implants go in the jawbone where the missing tooth root was, without damaging healthy teeth, and it’s a lifetime option when placed properly and cared with. The failure rate for implants is usually below 2% when placed by experienced oral surgeons. When comparing it to a denture, denture may slip on while eating and talking, it may not be stable, and may cause bone deterioration. Dental implants are stable and are healthy and they preserve and stimulate natural bone. They actually help to stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss around the implant. They are easy to maintain and feel natural. Dental implants benefit the general oral health as they don’t have to be anchored to other teeth. They also have the benefit that they don’t decay like natural teeth. But implant is like any natural tooth, it needs maintenance like brushing and flossing to keep them for a long time. If you are considering implants, you should have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. If the bone is too thin, then you will need a bone graft or sinus lift to give enough bone for the implant. The implant placement mainly needs a simple surgery to place it in the jaw. After a 4-6 months healing period the custom restoration is made for the patient with either crowns, denture, or bridge. (Even though it is possible to retore a missing teeth with implants in one day, it is usually not recommended because of the higher failure rate of these implants.) Despite the price, dental implant is a very healthy and comfortable choice in restoring missing teeth. In order to save on the costly treatment many people travel abroad to get implants for lower costs. A lot of British and Irish patient go to Hungary to save 50% or even more on their dental treatment. If you need dental implants and want to save on your treatment, you might want to check out website for more info at www.dentalimplanthungary.co.uk.