What Are the Most Common Method Used in Sedation Dentistry

December 30, 2021, Pitner Orthodontics

Sedation dentistry can be a valuable tool for patient comfort. Patients who are scared of the dentist are often unable to get dental care in the traditional manner. Sedation dentistry is one of the most popular dental treatments in Canada, and that’s because it allows people who suffer from dental anxiety to alleviate their fear during a treatment. It’s a common dental routine where a sedative is administered to the patient to minimize their awareness of the procedure, thus alleviating anxiety. What are the different types of sedation dentistry? There are many different types of sedation dentistry available today, but they can be divided into several categories: local anesthetic, oral conscious sedation, IV conscious sedation and general anesthesia. Local Anesthetic This is the mildest form of sedation and is administered by your dentist. The effects are limited to the areas where the medication is applied, so you will still be conscious during your dental procedure. Local anesthesia is the most basic form of sedation dentistry available and involves administering injections around the area that needs treatment to numb the area. As this method only numbs specific areas of your mouth and doesn’t require you to go under full sedation, it’s often referred to as “lighter sedation.” However, if you have dental phobias or strong apprehensions about having any work done on your teeth, local anesthesia may not be enough for you. This type of sedation is usually used for short procedures such as fillings or extractions; it can be administered by itself or in combination with other forms of sedation. Oral Sedation. Oral sedation is given as a pill prior to the procedure. It is effective in calming and relaxing you in order to minimize your anxiety during a dental procedure.  Oral conscious sedation is provided by a dentist who has been certified to administer sedatives in order to limit anxiety in patients. It involves taking a tablet that contains a small amount of medication prior to going into the dental chair. People may feel light-headed or nauseous after taking these tablets, but they are not rendered unconscious like during general anesthesia. They will still be able to feel sensations such as pressure and discomfort, but their awareness will be limited. IV Conscious Sedation. IV conscious sedation is a deeper level of sedation that allows you to be more comfortable, and also to relax and fall asleep on your own. This method is often used for more lengthy procedures, such as crowns and bridges. This type of sedation is administered intravenously (IV). The nurse or doctor will put a small needle into your hand or arm, much like they do when they draw blood. The needle will stay in place while the anesthetic is administered through it. The IV sedation will make you feel tired and relaxed. You may not remember much about the procedure itself because you'll be unconscious during most of it. After the procedure is finished, your doctor will remove the needle from your hand or arm and place a bandage over the site. This kind of sedation is frequently provided for patients with anxiety, fear or phobia of the dentist, or those who have had previous bad experiences in their dental visits. A patient under IV conscious sedation will remain awake and will not experience any memory loss after the procedure, allowing them to go on with their day without feeling drowsy. Nitrous Oxide Sedation. Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas” is given through a hand-held mask while you are seated in the dental chair. This form of sedation is best suited for patients who are undergoing general anesthesia or deep sedation during their procedure and cannot be left alone during the process due to risks associated with the administration of general anesthesia. The level of sedation administered to you will be determined by your dentist after an examination and consultation with you. Patient’s safety is always the priority goal when administering any type of sedative injection and drugs. Why Sedation Dentistry is Important A lot of people have a fear of the dentist. This is not something that you can easily overcome on your own, but it is possible. Having sedation dentistry in Melbourne will help to get you over these fears and allow you to get the dental care that you need so that you can live a healthier life. Treating your teeth with sedation dentistry will allow you to enjoy your dental care and see the dentist much more often than if you did not. Many people who go to the dentist infrequently have health issues such as gum disease and cavities. If you do not go to the dentist regularly, then you might be at risk of developing these problems. Dental treatment with sedation dentistry also allows you to get dental procedures that would otherwise be too painful for you to tolerate without sedation as well as ones that are just plain impossible for you to tolerate at all. For example, patients who are unable to open their mouths wide enough for their teeth to be cleaned properly or who have debilitating medical conditions that prevent them from getting dental work done may find the treatment they need with sedation dentistry. Selecting Your Dentist is also Essential Selecting a dentist is important in Sedation Dentistry. If you are looking for a dentist to treat your dental problems, then you have to choose the right dentist. It is very important to choose the right one. Selecting the wrong dentist can prove to be costly and may cause harm to your health. The most important thing is to select a professional, who concentrates on the field of sedation dentistry. There are different types of sedation used in dentistry. Each type is suitable for different types of dental treatment. You must select the one that is suitable for you. So, if you are looking for a way to alleviate your dental anxiety, or want to take the first step into the world of sedation dentistry, then contact our office. We will be happy to answer any of your questions and schedule your consultation.