Dental Care Tips Fluoride Facts and Myths

January 11, 2022, Eriks Dental Group

Fluoride has been researched for years and is known to have many benefits. Discover some facts about fluoride, myths, and dental care benefits. There are a lot of myths and facts about dental care and fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral found in water, toothpaste, and dental treatments. It can help prevent tooth decay and bad breath. But sometimes it can be hard to know what's true and what's not. Read on to learn more about fluoride - why it works, how much you should use, and if it’s safe for you or your family.   What is Fluoride? Fluoride is a mineral found in most water supplies. It's also in dental treatments and toothpaste. It's a healthy part of your body. Fluoride stops bacteria from making your teeth decay and makes good teeth stronger so they can last longer. It helps prevent tooth decay. It works by making your teeth harder and prevents the acid that the bacteria produces from causing decay. Toothpastes with fluoride have been shown to reduce cavities up to 80 percent when using it twice a day (after breakfast and before bed).   How Does it Work? Fluoride is an important part of dental care and works in two ways. It helps teeth to grow strong and fight bacteria that cause decay. It's found in tooth enamel, (and dentin if you got fluoride as a kid) the hard shiny coating on your teeth. It helps the enamel on your teeth to develop a stronger surface that erodes away more slowly. Bad bacteria on your teeth that create the acidic byproduct, are less able to cause decay.   Myth #1: Fluoride is in Drinking Water You may have heard people saying that fluoride does not really help prevent tooth decay. They say that it's just in drinking water, but it doesn't help your teeth. They're right about the source but not the effect on teeth. Fluoride needs to come from outside of your body to keep your teeth healthy. It can't be made within the body. That's why it only helps prevent tooth decay when you get it from drinking water, by using fluoride treatments like toothpaste or mouthwash and supplements for children   Myth #2: Fluoride is Toxic You might have heard that fluoride is a poison or a toxin, and it's in everything. That's not true. It's an essential nutrient that helps your body stay healthy. In fact, fluoride works to protect your teeth from decay. So, when you use fluoridated toothpaste or go to the dentist for a treatment, they're adding a really small amount of fluoride to help stave off decay. Myth #3: Fluoride Products vs. Non-Fluoride Products You might have heard that fluoride-free products can help prevent cavities, or that a fluoride treatment is a waste of money. Fluoride-free products can help prevent cavities by fighting bacteria. There is more than one way to kill and remove bacteria. However, fluoride treatments are the only ones that will actually make your teeth harder to prevent decay.   Myth #4: Fluoride and Tooth Damage You might have heard that fluoride causes "tooth enamel damage.” Fluoride does not cause any kind of damage to your teeth. In fact, it actually helps repair damaged tooth enamel and protects teeth from decay.   Myth #5: Fluoride is a Risk Factor for Cancer You might hear that fluoride increases your risk for developing cancer later in life. However, the American Dental Association says it's not true, and lists a relationship between fluoride and cancer as "unsubstantiated".   Stay On Top of Your Dental Care It's dental care 101. Fluoride has been one of the most successful public health measures of the past century. It has helped to reduce cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease in children and adults. Make sure that your kids’ teeth are developing properly with help from a skilled dentist. Contact Eriks Dental Group to schedule an appointment and see how their teeth are developing.