What is the Procedure for Tooth Removal

February 10, 2022, Clove Dental

There might be many reasons people opt for tooth removal or extraction. It can be tooth decay, tooth damage, loose teeth, overcrowding of teeth in the mouth, or an impacted wisdom tooth. A dentist or oral surgeon performs tooth removal or extraction. There might be many reasons people opt for tooth removal or extraction. It can be tooth decay, tooth damage, loose teeth, overcrowding of teeth in the mouth, or an impacted wisdom tooth. A dentist or oral surgeon performs tooth removal or extraction. You can avoid later consequences of deep infection with timely tooth removal, whatever might be the reason. However, there are procedures involved in tooth removal depending on the condition or severity of the problem. We will let you know the different teeth removal procedures and can anyone opt for a dental implants procedure after tooth extraction. Choosing the best dental clinic can solve your concerns, like what if it goes wrong or creates any other difficulties? What is tooth removal or extraction? Tooth removal or extraction is the removal of a tooth from the dental alveolus or the socket in the alveolar bone. The dentist removes the tooth with the help of a forceps. What is the procedure of tooth removal? Before starting the process, the dentist will ask for your medical history and if you are on any medications. He also takes information from you about your previous dental treatment history. You also need to tell the dentist if you are allergic to any specific type of medicine or you are on blood thinners. Then an x-ray is taken to find out the best way to remove the tooth. Two tooth removal procedures depend on the severity of your problem. Simple Extraction - The dentist gives you local anaesthesia to numb the affected tooth area in a simple extraction. Then he loosens the tooth with the help of an elevator. This process helps expand the tooth socket. Once the tooth gets loose, the dentist pulls out the tooth using forceps. You will not feel pain because of the effect of anaesthesia. He then places the gauze over the socket to stop the bleeding. Surgical Extraction - A surgical process is required to remove a tooth that has not erupted from the gums, when a tooth is large, impacted tooth, a broken tooth at the gumline. First, the dental surgeon makes an incision on the gum of the affected tooth to access. If the tooth is large, the surgeon breaks it into pieces to remove it. The surgeon cuts some gum and bone tissue to remove an impacted tooth, then loosens it from the jawbone and pulls it out. After the surgery, the dentist will stitch the gum edges together. The stitches will dissolve within a few days. Then he places the gauze over the area to stop bleeding. What are the side effects of tooth removal? Some of the side effects of tooth extraction are you experience minor bleeding for approximately 24 hours after the surgery. You have a dry tooth socket and stiffness in the jaw due to injections and keeping the mouth open for a prolonged time. People who cannot undergo a tooth removal procedure People suffering from a few health conditions cannot undergo a tooth removal procedure. People suffering from autoimmune diseases, hypertension, allergies, osteoporosis, cough and cold, diabetes, and blood thinners cannot opt for tooth extraction. Can a person opt for a dental implants procedure after tooth extraction? The answer is yes; you can go for a dental implants procedure after tooth removal. However, you have to wait for a minimum of ten to twelve weeks after the tooth extraction. Your mouth needs to heal after tooth removal surgery, and this period helps it do so. Conclusion Clove Dental clinics effectively perform tooth removal processes dental implants procedures and fix any dental issue across India. For years, we have been bringing smiles to people’s faces with our dental services. You can experience our expert services with just a call.