Why Does My Tooth Feel Loose

April 19, 2022, Pearl Shine Dental Clinic

Having a loose baby tooth is often a sign that your baby tooth gives way to your permanent teeth to grow. Having a loose baby tooth is often a sign that your baby tooth gives way to your permanent teeth to grow. Losing baby teeth is normal and something we all had experienced when we were young. However, losing adult teeth is not normal or something to take lightly. Loose permanent teeth are a sign that something is wrong with your dental health. If this is the case for you, you should talk to the Dentist in Irvine, CA. In the meantime, you can learn about the causes of loose adult teeth to make an informed decision about your oral health. Potential Causes of Loose Adult Teeth As an adult, your teeth can become loose due to several reasons. We will discuss some of the most common causes of loose permanent teeth. But you should also let your dentist know about your condition. They will evaluate your situation and recommend the right course of action. Let’s look at some common causes of loose permanent teeth. Bruxism Bruxism is a condition in which you develop teeth grinding habits, mainly when you sleep. This constant wear and tear can damage the ligaments that attach teeth to the bone. If bruxism is the reason behind your loose teeth, go to your dentist, and they might recommend you to wear special mouth guards as you sleep. If your gums and teeth are healthy, you can quickly fix this issue when you seek a dentist’s assistance on time. Trauma Dental injury is another reason why many adults experience loose teeth. If you have a similar cause behind your condition, please visit your dentist to increase the chance of saving the natural tooth. Depending on the extent of damage and how early you visit your dentist, you can still save your tooth. So, whenever you experience a dental injury, it’s crucial to immediately call your dentist. Gum disease Gum disease is the most common cause of having loose permanent teeth. Bacteria buildup damages a patient’s tooth root and even their bone. This condition also causes receding gums, making it hard to hold the tooth in its place. If your tooth feels loose due to gum disease, you should treat it before it further progresses. How can I prevent loose adult teeth? Prevention is always the key! You can prevent loose permanent teeth by maintaining an excellent oral hygiene regimen. This means you should brush twice a day for two minutes and floss daily with proper technique. You should also visit your dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings. Excellent oral hygiene regimen also includes cleaning your mouth after eating sugary and acidic foods. Consider wearing a mouthguard to avoid dental injuries if you play contact sports. Learn more about the causes of gum disease and take measures to prevent it. This way, you can prevent losing adult teeth and stay on top of your oral health game. People with osteoporosis and diabetes are more likely to develop loose adult teeth and other dental problems. If you or your loved one have such a condition, please take extra care of your oral health. For more information and assistance, please contact Dr Javeen DDS. We are happy to help you and solve your dental problems. Let’s get a healthier and brighter smile!   Irvine Family & Implant Dentistry 2 Osborn Suite 130, Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 552-1380