Everything You Need to know about Dental Veneers

May 18, 2022, Langley Dental Practice

If you are not happy with the size, shape, or appearance of your teeth ruining your smile, your best option is to restore them with dental veneers. Dental veneers are more durable and offer superior esthetics than tooth-colored, bonded restorations. That is why our dentists recommend veneers for tooth restorations when esthetics are of the utmost concern.   What are Veneers? According to the American Dental Association, a veneer is a thin sheet of resin or porcelain that is bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. Dental veneers are used to fix various dental cosmetic and restorative tooth defects. Dental veneers are different from bonding as they are fabricated in the laboratory and then attached to the tooth structure using adhesive. Hence, veneers are also called indirect restorations. Who Can Benefit from Dental Veneers? You are a suitable candidate for getting veneers if you have one or more crooked or esthetically flawed teeth. Some of the conditions in which veneers provide excellent results include: ● Chipped or crooked teeth ● Fractured teeth ● Cosmetically masking permanent teeth stains that cannot be removed through professional bleaching ● Restoring the shape and esthetics of congenitally malformed teeth ● Cosmetically fixing minor tooth misalignment as a cost-effective alternative to orthodontic treatment ● Cosmetically correcting minor teeth gaps or crowding ● Complete smile makeovers You may contact Northstar Dental Care for a free consultation on dental veneers. What are Veneers Made of? Dental veneers are made of two materials; composite resins and porcelains. ● Composite Veneers - composite resin-based veneers are tooth-colored plastic-like materials that can be directly bonded to the prepared tooth structure. The advantage of these veneers is that they allow for minor adjustment or repairs if they get chipped or cracked. ● Porcelain Veneers - Porcelain veneers are made from tooth-colored porcelain. These veneers are much stronger and esthetically pleasing than composite veneers. Another benefit of porcelain veneers is that they are much more stain-resistant than composite veneers. Hence, porcelain veneers are generally used for the cosmetic restoration of teeth. What is the Process of Getting Veneers? The process of getting veneers is straightforward, and it is usually completed in 2-3 sittings. ● Clinical Examination and Treatment Planning - during the first appointment, our dentist will perform a detailed examination to assess your eligibility for getting veneers. We will also prepare a customized treatment plan for you at this stage. ● Tooth Preparation - at the next appointment, we will remove a thin layer of dental enamel from the front surfaces of the teeth that will receive veneers. This is done to create space for bonding the veneer to the teeth and ensuring that they don’t protrude out.  ● Tooth Impressions - next, we will make impressions of your prepared teeth and record the desired shade and color of the veneers. This information will be sent to the dental laboratory for their fabrication. ● Bonding the Veneers - at the next appointment, we will try your prepared veneers on your teeth and check them for esthetics and fit. Then, we will bond them to your teeth with an adhesive if everything goes well. That’s it. You are now a proud owner of a brand new smile. Tooth preparation for dental veneers usually does not require local anesthesia. However, in cases we feel that the underlying dentin layer will be exposed during tooth preparation and may cause pain, we will administer local anesthesia so that you remain relaxed and pain-free throughout the procedure. What are the Benefits of Dental Veneers? Dental veneers offer the following benefits over directly bonded and other indirect restorations. ● Durability - veneers are longer-lasting than bonded composite restorations ● Esthetics - veneers offer superior esthetics compared to composite fillings. Besides, veneers are also more stain-resistant than composite restorations. ● Tooth Conservation - dental veneers require lesser removal of tooth structure than porcelain crowns. How to Look After Veneered Teeth? Teeth with veneers require certain precautions to extend their service life: ● Oral Hygiene Maintenance - this is essential to prevent secondary tooth decay around the veneered teeth. Optimal teeth cleaning also ensures that your veneers remain stain-free. ● Avoid Hard and Sticky Foods - you should avoid biting on hard or sticky foods directly with your veneered teeth. Doing so may result in their fracture or dislodgment. ● Avoid Strong-colored Foods and Drinks - strong-colored foods like curry and drinks like red wine, tea, and coffee cause staining of the veneers. The most crucial aspect regarding the aftercare of veneers is regular dental visits. When you visit us regularly for checkups at Northstar Dental Care, we will ensure that your natural teeth are cavity-free and that your veneered or restored teeth have no underlying problem. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment with us today, and let us give you a smile that you have always dreamed of with dental veneers.