
Snap On Smile Las Vegas

August 11, 2022, Marielaina Perrone DDS

Snap On Smile Henderson NV
Snap On Smile Henderson NV
Discussion on the cosmetic dentistry procedure snap on smile. There is a new weapon in the arsenal of the cosmetic dentist in Las Vegas. That weapon is the Snap On Smile. This a quick and easy way to get that Hollywood smile makeover you always dreamed of but were afraid or unable to have the work done. Snap-On Smile is a great cosmetic solution without the typical associated expenses.  It is a painless and simple way to beautify your smile. The end results can be as temporary or permanent as you desire. It is a totally reversible procedure. There is no need for anesthesia, no need for drilling and no need for adhesives. The dental appliance can be worn when eating and drinking and is a great solution for those that have stained, chipped, crooked or missing teeth. The Snap on Smile is ideal for patients seeking a non invasive, reversible and affordable approach to cosmetic dentistry. Patients see an immediate boost in confidence and self-esteem. Patients are impressed with how natural their Snap-On Smile looks and feels. They are amazed that such a cosmetic result can occur in such a short time. The custom made Snap-On Smile is fabricated in as little as 2-3 weeks. Snap-On Smile can be used as an aesthetic temporary for dental implant restorations, as cosmetic removable partial dentures, and even as a long term enhancement of your smile. Snap-On Smile is created from a patented, super thin dental resin that is custom fabricated to create an attractive, aesthetic smile. It can be used to cover both upper and lower teeth.  The easy process required for Snap On Smile procedures is quick and painless, and costs less than dental bridges, porcelain veneers or dental implants. Only two visits to your dentist office are required for Snap-On Smile. One visit to take an impression of your mouth and to select the color and shape of your new Snap-On Smile teeth and a second visit to receive a final fitting of your beautiful new teeth so you can wear them home.  Snap-On Smile can last for up to five years with proper maintenance. Snap-on Smile is an excellent choice for: 1) Spaces or gaps, crooked, stained or patients with missing teeth. 2) Patients who are not ideal candidates for bridges or implants. 3) Anyone interested in a Hollywood smile without the expense and discomfort of extensive cosmetic dental procedures. 4) Patients who have a traditional removable partial denture and wants a great looking, more comfortable alternative. Snap-On Smile may not be ideal for everyone. Please see your dentist to get a full evaluation. As always, please maintain a regular schedule to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you are ready for a smile makeover, contact Marielaina Perrone DDS at (702) 458-2929 to schedule a no cost cosmetic consultation appointment. We cannot wait to help you with your smile makeover to create the smile of your dreams.