Dental Crowns What it is Types and Procedure

August 23, 2022, Whitemud Dental Centre

Restorative dentistry is an amazing thing. Thanks to contemporary dental advancements, we can repair both the appearance and, more importantly, the functionality of our teeth in a variety of ways. One particularly great treatment to consider is receiving a dental crown from a dentist in South Edmonton. This prosthetic is customized to fit your oral dimensions and reinforces the structure of a damaged tooth. For more information about this, contact our local dental practice today. What is a Dental Crown? A dental crown is a small-cap that’s fabricated to fit over teeth that are chipped or cracked, weakened, infected, or severely discolored. It strengthens and protects your tooth from further harm, and helps you chew and talk normally. They can be placed on any of your teeth. In addition to providing protection, dental crowns can also be incorporated into other, more complex treatments. Often, you’ll receive this device following a root canal or if a dental filling isn’t suitable. Prior to receiving a dental crown or any other type of dental procedure, be sure to book a consultation with a dentist near you. They’ll be able to identify if you’re an ideal candidate for this treatment or if another course of action would be more beneficial. For more visit the blog