What is a Cosmetic Dentistry Evaluation

August 23, 2022, Whitemud Dental Centre

Cosmetic dentistry is precisely what it sounds like: it’s a specific branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the aesthetics of your smile. Anyone is a viable candidate for cosmetic dentistry in South Edmonton. If you’re eager to learn more about this area of oral health, get in touch with our local dental clinic today. What Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix? Multiple cosmetic treatments are available to you as a patient. Listed below are the most well-known and frequently performed treatments: 1. Teeth whitening. This can be done in-office or at-home. 2. Porcelain veneers. 3. Dental bonding. 4. Installing a dental crown, bridge, or implant. 5. Providing tooth-colored fillings or inlays and onlays. Ceramic, composite resin, or porcelain are the three materials that are used in order to achieve this. 6. Orthodontics. 7. Dentures, either partial or complete. Dentures can also be permanently fixed in your mouth or be removable. As is evident, these treatments can be classified as restorative techniques as well. The appearance and functionality of your smile often go hand in hand. For more information about this, speak with a dentist near you.