Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening

August 24, 2022, Aspen Dental Clinic

It can be debated that teeth whitening is one, if not the most popular form of cosmetic dentistry. As a society, whether we’re looking to feel better about ourselves, make a lasting impression, or it’s our wedding day and we want to look our best, we covet beautiful smiles. Are you looking to receive quality, convenient treatment to brighten your own smile? If so, get in touch with our local dental practice. Our staff will be able to assist you with all things teeth whitening in Rocky Mountain House. An In-Depth Look at Teeth Whitening Teeth whitening, sometimes referred to as bleaching, is a process that is done to remove deep stains from the surface of your teeth. Discoloration arises when residue builds up on your teeth over an extended period. This can occur from engaging in certain lifestyle habits and because of your diet. Listed below are the most common reasons why our can teeth begin to darken: • Smoking. • Consuming a lot of strawberries, soy sauce, curry, coffee, tea, wine, and beer. These foods and drinks are notorious for leaving behind stains. • Taking certain medications. • Aging. • Genetics. • Infection. • Poor oral health habits like infrequent brushing and flossing.