How to Take Care of Invisalign While Traveling

August 24, 2022, The Dentists At Northgate

Invisalign treatment is a wonderful thing. Contemporary dental progressions have given us an amazing way to straighten our teeth without the use of bulky, potentially scratchy metal archwires. However, in order for you to reap the benefits of this process, you still need to take care of your Invisalign trays, and that includes when you’re away from home. For more information about Invisalign in North Edmonton, contact our local dental clinic today! What is Invisalign? Invisalign treatment is the most popular form of clear aligner therapy. This process is an effective alternative to traditional braces, especially for those who feel self-conscious about straightening their smile. You’ll receive custom-made trays fabricated from high-grade dental plastic. This material is used because it won’t irritate your gums or your teeth. Your trays constantly exert pressure on your teeth, which in turn, stimulates bone movement and regeneration. Eventually, your teeth will shift into a healthier position. To ensure that this progress is continual, you’ll need to come in and see your dentist in North Edmonton about every four to six weeks. They’ll be able to monitor the state of your oral health and provide you with a new set of aligners.