Angels of Medical Care is a JCI accredited organization that is dedicated to removing barriers and promoting quality care for patients. Its management is extremely caring and approachable. Its only aim is to provide patients with full satisfaction services and the best quality care. The head of the organization is always available to listen to the needs of patients. Aside from this, the staff is happy to be part of this organization. Here, you'll find a family-oriented culture and patient-centered care. Mercy Medical Angels removes the barrier to medical care Mercy Medical Angels is a non-profit organization that provides free medical transportation. Its programs use a variety of transportation modes, including buses, trains, and planes. The organization works with volunteer pilots and commercial airlines to make medical travel affordable and accessible to patients. The organization has facilitated more than 250,000 trips for patients in need of medical care.Read about more on In 1972, a pastor and a federal engineer met and realized their call to serve the community. They observed the struggle of patients to get to medical care and were inspired to do something about it. After taking a loan on a private airplane, they began flying patients to medical facilities in the Washington, D.C. area. Their efforts resulted in the formation of Mercy Medical Angels. Mercy Medical Angels is the nation's largest charity for medical transportation. It helps individuals receive health care by removing the socioeconomic barriers that prevent them from obtaining proper medical care. The organization also provides air and ground transportation using commercial airlines and volunteer pilots. JCI accredited organization JCI is an independent charitable organisation that offers accreditation and certification to health care organizations and programs. They also provide educational and advisory services to health care organisations. They also provide international accreditation. Several of the hospitals accredited by JCI have been recognized for their quality care, service, and care delivery. JCI-accredited hospitals are committed to quality care and are generally considered world-class health care providers. They must meet stringent standards to be accredited, including safety and patient support. Currently, there are 22 accredited medical programs and hospitals in the UAE. Most of these are located in the capital city, Doha. The Women's Wellness Research Centre, owned and operated by the Hamad Medical Corporation, achieved accreditation in June 2006. Angels of Medical Care is a JCI-accredited organization with more than 15 years of experience providing healthcare services. They employ DHA certified nurses and doctors for all of their services, and are dedicated to making sure that their patients receive the best possible care. Their mission is to be the first choice healthcare provider for every patient. Family-oriented culture A family-oriented culture in medical care emphasizes the patient's family context. Family physicians are presumed to be highly skilled in providing family-oriented care, and their residents receive extensive academic and clinical training in this area. Although the degree of family-orientation activity in a visit should be dependent on the presenting problem and the patient's wishes, there should be some evidence of family-orientation in nearly every interview. Increasing the involvement of the family in medical care has a number of benefits. For starters, families should be considered in multidisciplinary rounds. Patients should also be involved in care discussions. They should be present during multidisciplinary rounds and be able to provide medical information that might be missing or identify errors in the delivery of care. Family-oriented physicians are more likely to be patient-centered and more likely to listen to their patients. Their conversations with patients and their families often include questions that focus on their family's life. This is especially important for children. Patient-centered care The goal of patient-centered medical care is to focus care on the patient's personal needs and desired outcomes. This model focuses on physical and emotional well-being, and encourages active collaboration and shared decision-making. In addition, patient-centered care aligns the goals of health care providers and patients. Patient-centered medical care has the potential to improve health care in the United States. A growing community is working to build this model. The model is defined as a primary care model that emphasizes the patient's needs and fosters an open and respectful relationship between providers and patients. However, the adoption of this model is controversial, with experts stating that its implementation would yield mixed results. Patient-centered medical care requires a champion to drive change. Primary care leaders must advocate for this model and work with employers, insurance companies, and politicians to influence policy. With the proper leadership, patient-centered primary care is possible in the United States.