There are a lot of different types of dental work, and it can be confusing trying to figure out which dental treatments you might need and whether or not they are worth the cost. While you'll have to evaluate every option carefully with your dentist, many people choose a budget friendly composite resin veneer. But what is a veneer, and why might you need one? Is it really worth the cost? What veneers actually are Veneers are coverings for the teeth to give them a uniform and natural but improved appearance. The veneers cost tucson we offer are high quality porcelain veneers that will last. Veneers are not really a necessary dental wellness treatment for most people. They are a great option if you have teeth that are stained beyond repair, or if you have a crooked tooth or unnatural gap between teeth. If you have a chipped tooth, your dentist might recommend a veneer to cover the chip so that: The tooth does not become more damaged. The root of the tooth does not become exposed. The tooth does not crack down the middle. You do not injure your mouth with the jagged edge. They can help cover and protect worn enamel that is sensitive. So is it really worth it to get veneers or not? The real question is: "Are you and your smile worth it?" Is it time for you to have the smile you've always envisioned for yourself? Think about how you feel when you see your smile in a photo, a selfie or a mirror. Do you show your teeth for photos or give a closed lips smile because your smile is just not what you want people to notice? When you are looking and feeling gorgeous, you have the confidence you need to go for that promotion or job you've always wanted, empowering yourself to make career advancements through self-love. A smile is a big part of that confident, happy look! Would you love to show off a beautiful, bright smile for the holidays or at your next big interview? Do you think porcelain veneers might be right for you? Contact us today to schedule your initial exam, x-ray, cleaning, and consultation. We can help you make the smile you want fit your budget.