
What does the Dentagama Follow button do

June 13, 2013, DentaGama

Follow Dentagama
Follow Dentagama
What are the functions of the follow button in Dentagama helps connecting dentists from all over the world. The profiles in our website contain all the information a patient might be interested in. We have included a blog section where you can share whatever you find interesting - pictures, articles, interesting websites or Facebook pages. You can also promote your original website by linking articles to it. In the lower left column of every profile you can see a blue Follow button. This article is to explain the purpose of this option and how you can benefit from it. Occasionally some clinics will decide to upgrade their profile and add pictures and successful clinical cases. Some of the profile owners would like to develop a personal blog or promote their services or products. Every time such an upgrade is made the person following this profile will receive a notification in his email. If you decide not to follow a profile you have to go in the "Wall" section of your admin panel and unfollow this clinic/company. We have come to the idea that the social engagement is a essential part of the new world and a profession like ours asks for more updates and fresh information. We will be happy if you find these options useful and keep posting interesting materials and sources. We will keep in touch! Dentagama Team