What to Expect in Your First Week with Braces

March 29, 2023, Rome Orthodontics

Getting braces can be a big adjustment, both physically and mentally. During your first week with braces, you may experience discomfort, soreness, and difficulty eating certain foods. It's important to follow your orthodontist's instructions and take care of your braces properly to ensure they are effective and comfortable. Getting braces can be an exciting but daunting experience, especially for those getting them for the first time. The first week with braces can be challenging as you adjust to the new appliance in your mouth. You will need to give your teeth and mouth some time to fall into the habit of talking and smiling with braces in your mouth. In some cases, patients with braces also experience pain in their jaws and mouth. Talk to your doctor for braces pain relief if this happens. This article will discuss the difficulties you may face in your first week with braces and how to make the transition as smooth as possible. Follow the tips given below when you first get braces –   Eat Soft Foods: In the first few days, follow a soft diet to ensure proper adjustment and minimize the risk of damage to your new braces. Eat slowly and chew with caution in the first week. Choose liquid-based foods, such as soups, quinoa, smoothies, puddings, yoghurt, jellies, and applesauce that require less chewing. Remember to stick to sugar-free options as much as possible. Saltwater Rinse: If you experience discomfort after wearing your braces, rinse your mouth with saltwater. Add a quarter teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and gently swish the water around in your mouth to rinse. You can also allow the water to sit in the irritated areas of your mouth for a few seconds before spitting it out. The saltwater will soothe your mouth's soreness and irritation and speed up the healing process. Practice Oral Hygiene: Dental hygiene is essential in helping your mouth adjust to braces. Practicing good dental hygiene will help you reduce the pain and discomfort in your mouth. Remember to keep your teeth and braces sparkling clean to ensure no tooth decay or swelling in the gums. Clean your mouth thoroughly, using a brush, floss, and mouthwash. If food particles remain stuck in your mouth, they may trigger an infection or tooth decay. Ice Pack: Cold temperatures help calm the nerves and reduce the pain in your mouth. Suppose you have swelling, pain or discomfort due to the braces; an ice pack can help. Keep an ice pack handy and gently press it to the outside of your mouth. A simple glass of cold water can also do the trick. Slowly sip the cold water to calm the nerves and relieve the pain. Over-the-counter Pain Medication: If the pain persists, your doctor will prescribe some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (NSAIDs), also known as painkillers. NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen are available over-the-counter and can be bought without a prescription. But these medicines are only for short-term relief and should not be taken long. Take the medication only as directed by your doctor.   In conclusion, the first week with braces can be a little uncomfortable and challenging. Still, it is a crucial period in the journey towards a straighter and healthier smile. Remember to be patient and consistent with your oral care routine, and before you know it, your braces will become a normal part of your daily routine. If the pain persists, visit your orthodontist for further advice.