Why Your Tooth Might Be Rotting Under a Crown

May 27, 2023, NY Dental Boutique

Click here to read about the reasons why teeth under crowns start to rot. Read on to know why it happens and how to prevent it. Dental crowns are used to restore damaged or decayed teeth, providing strength, protection, and aesthetic improvement. However, a tooth can develop decay or experience further damage underneath a dental crown. In this blog, we will explore why a tooth might rot under a crown and discuss the importance of regular dental care to prevent such complications. Pre-existing Decay One of the primary reasons why a tooth may rot under a crown is pre-existing decay that was not fully addressed before the crown was placed. When decay is present on the tooth structure beneath the crown, it can continue to progress, compromising the tooth's health. Dentists should thoroughly examine the tooth before placing a crown to ensure all decay is removed and the tooth is adequately prepared for restoration. It is important to visit an experienced restorative dentist in Brooklyn for crown-related issues. Inadequate Tooth Preparation Improper tooth preparation is another potential cause of tooth decay beneath a crown. If the tooth is not properly shaped or cleaned before the crown is placed, it can create small gaps or irregularities that allow bacteria and plaque to accumulate. Over time, this can lead to decay and subsequent infection. Poor Oral Hygiene Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial, regardless of whether you have dental crowns or not. However, diligent oral care becomes even more important when it comes to crowned teeth. Failing to brush and floss regularly, especially around the margins of the crown, can allow plaque and bacteria to accumulate, leading to decay. Neglecting regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings can also contribute to the deterioration of the tooth underneath the crown.   Leaking or Ill-Fitting Crown An ill-fitting crown or a crown that has become loose over time can create gaps between the crown and the tooth, allowing bacteria and debris to accumulate. These spaces can be difficult to clean properly with regular brushing and flossing, making it easier for decay to develop. Additionally, a poorly fitting crown may not seal the tooth effectively, leading to leakage and further damage. Grinding or Clenching Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching, can exert excessive force on the crowned tooth, potentially causing damage to both the crown and the underlying tooth structure. The constant pressure and friction can wear down the tooth's protective outer layer, making it more susceptible to decay. Dentists may recommend wearing a night guard or taking measures to address bruxism to protect the crown's and underlying tooth's integrity. Recurrent Decay Recurrent decay can occur even with proper oral hygiene and regular dental care. Over time, the margins of the crown may deteriorate, allowing bacteria to penetrate and cause new decay. Regular dental examinations can help identify signs of recurrent decay early, allowing for prompt treatment and restoration. Insufficient Restoration Materials The choice of materials used in the crown restoration can also impact the likelihood of decay. While dental crowns are typically made from durable materials like ceramic, porcelain, or metal, certain factors can affect their longevity. For example, if a crown with a metal margin is used, it may eventually corrode, compromising the seal and leading to decay. Using high-quality materials and discussing the best options with your dentist can help minimize the risk of decay. Contact a good restorative dentist in Brooklyn to sort out all your dental problems.   How to Prevent Tooth Decay Under Crowns Preventing tooth decay under dental crowns is essential to maintaining the longevity and health of your crowned tooth. Here are some important steps you can take to prevent tooth decay: 1.Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene: Maintaining a thorough oral hygiene routine is crucial. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Pay close attention to the area around the margins of the crown, where the tooth and crown meet. Floss daily to remove plaque and debris from between the teeth and around the crown. 2.Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash: Incorporating an antimicrobial mouthwash into your oral hygiene routine can help kill bacteria and reduce the risk of decay. Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash after brushing and flossing to protect your crowned tooth further. 3.Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Schedule regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings with your dentist. During these visits, your dentist can assess the condition of your dental crown and the underlying tooth structure. 4.Address Teeth Grinding or Clenching: If you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth (bruxism), it's important to address it to prevent damage to your dental crown. 5.Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced and nutritious diet plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. Limit your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay. 6.Avoid Damaging Habits: Avoid using your teeth as tools to open packages or bite on hard objects like ice or pens. These habits can place excessive stress on your dental crown and potentially lead to damage or decay. 7.Choose High-Quality Materials: Discuss the material options with your dentist when it comes to dental crowns. Different materials have varying levels of durability and resistance to decay. 8.Address Any Concerns Promptly: If you notice any signs of discomfort, sensitivity, or changes in the appearance of your dental crown, contact your dentist immediately. While dental crowns are effective and long-lasting solutions for damaged teeth, it's crucial to understand their potential risks. Decay under a crown can occur due to pre-existing decay, inadequate tooth preparation, poor oral hygiene, ill-fitting crowns, teeth grinding, recurrent decay, or insufficient restoration materials. If you are looking for a reliable and highly skilled restorative dentist in Brooklyn for yourself and your family, look no further than NY Dental Boutique. They have a team of highly trained dental professionals who can take care of all your dental needs. Read more about their services here.