Invisalign For Teens Is It Worth It

June 02, 2023, Eriks Dental Group

The nearly invisible appearance of Invisalign makes it a preferred option over traditional metal braces. But is it the right choice for teenagers? Many teenagers end up needing braces to help straighten their teeth. Back in the day, this meant having traditional metal brackets attached to the teeth. Today, more options than ever are available for orthodontic work. If your teen needs braces, he or she may ask you about Invisalign: a revolutionary way of straightening teeth that is virtually invisible because it uses clear aligners. But is this option recommended for young people? Let’s find out.   Advantages Of Invisalign For Teens Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces for many reasons. Aside from being less visible than metal brackets, it’s also possible to remove the aligners when eating or brushing your teeth. This makes it easier to clean teeth, whereas traditional braces can trap pieces of food more easily. Metal brackets can get damaged by sticky, tacky foods, whereas Invisalign’s removable trays make it possible to enjoy all kinds of snacks. Teens who are active in sports may prefer Invisalign due to the reduced possibility of breakage. That means fewer trips to the orthodontist for broken brackets or elastics, which is a hassle for both teens and parents alike. The clear, less obvious appearance of Invisalign is quite appealing to young people who may already be feeling insecure about their appearance. While metal braces have become more mainstream, it’s understandable why more people would choose the more invisible option. What’s more, Invisalign moves slowly and more gently than traditional metal braces, which means less pain and discomfort. Anyone who is particularly sensitive to dental pain will prefer this alternative.   Disadvantages Of Invisalign For Teens At this point, you’re probably thinking that Invisalign sounds too good to be true. While it does have many advantages, we’d be remiss not to bring up certain cons that patients need to be informed about. One of them is consistency when it comes to wearing the aligners. That may sound like common sense, but because the trays are easy to take out, some teens may forget to put them back in. If the trays are removed, say before having lunch at school, teens will have to make sure that they aren’t left sitting on the lunch tray, where they might accidentally throw them out. Because Invisalign is a pricey investment, the ease with which they can be lost may be concerning to parents. But even the most responsible teenagers may not be suited for Invisalign, depending on the condition of their teeth. Severe overbites are one reason to use traditional braces instead because they will move the teeth more firmly and quickly, correcting the issue sooner. Other dental issues, such as the placement of teeth and how much they are crowding each other, may affect the efficiency of Invisalign. Generally speaking, the less severe the dental issues, the more effective Invisalign is. Only your dentist can determine the effectiveness of Invisalign for your teen. After that, it’s up to the parent to decide whether their teen is committed enough to complete their treatment., some teens may be better suited than others.   Invisalign For South Florida Teenagers If your teenager’s teeth need correction, ask your dentist about Invisalign. The team at Eriks Dental Group can work with you to determine the best course of action for a healthy, beautiful smile. To learn more about teeth straightening options, as well as other family dental services, call today at 561-733-4004.