What Is Special About Laminate Veneers

July 12, 2018, Dentistry

Today laminate veneers are a very popular way to solve cosmetic problems with your teeth. Today laminate veneers are a very popular way to solve cosmetic problems with your teeth. Veneers are porcelain plates that are attached to the surface of your teeth. They work especially well with the front teeth. They are durable enough to improve both the aesthetic and functional qualities of your teeth. The plates stick to the surface of the teeth with the help of a special adhesive material.  Laminate veneers work perfectly in the following situations: Severe teeth discoloration as a result of treatment with some medications. Usually in such cases, conservative whitening techniques are not very helpful. Wide gaps between teeth. Fractured or badly damaged teeth. Old fillings spoil the aesthetic look of teeth. Teeth are crooked and orthodontic treatment is not an option for various reasons. Laminate veneers can help people of all ages. Although they won’t be effective in cases of serious jaw defects or periodontal diseases. If you have such bad habits as teeth grinding or biting nails and pencils, your veneers can be fractured easily and you should either think of some other option or solve your bad habit first. The first step in getting veneers, is professional teeth cleansing. After this, molds of your teeth will be made in order to receive the exact parameters needed for making the veneers. Then the porcelain plates are made to fit your teeth perfectly. They will serve for many years if you maintain proper mouth hygiene. The advantages of veneers are numerous. The procedure allows for a beautiful smile in a short time. The necessary trimming is very delicate and the results are predictable. Laminate veneers don’t get darker from smoking or eating something colored. Though the porcelain is very fragile on it’s own, it becomes very durable when bound with the tooth. Laminate veneers are a good option to get a perfect Hollywood smile. It is an expensive procedure because it requires lots of detailed work and high skill. However, your beautiful smile is worth it.