Gap Between Teeth Causes and Treatment Options

October 31, 2023, Brite Orthodontics

Discover the causes of gaps between teeth (diastema) and explore treatment options in this article. Learn how to address this issue effectively. What Causes Gap Between Teeth? What are Diastema Treatment Options? Have you ever wondered what creates the gap in teeth? It happens due to diastema, a dental disorder that can afflict anybody, regardless of age or oral health. So, what exactly is diastema? It is a medical word describing a space or gap between teeth. It may happen anywhere in the mouth. But it's most frequent between the two front teeth. This blog post explores the possible causes of this oral condition and the best diastema treatment options available to you. So, let's dive in! 5 Most Common Causes of Diastema Understanding these factors can help you make sense of that little gap in your smile. The Space Invaders: Tooth Size and Spacing The size, shape, and location of the teeth are some of the most common causes of diastema. Teeth might be naturally tiny or have uneven forms, resulting in gaps between them. Furthermore, diastema can occur when teeth are misplaced or spaced too widely apart. The Sneaky Culprit: Gum Disease Another major cause of the gap between teeth is gum disease. When the gums become inflamed and infected, they can recede, exposing the teeth's roots and causing gaps. Poor dental hygiene, smoking, hormone fluctuations, or hereditary factors can all contribute to this. Obstruction of the Mouth: The Maxillary Frenum A blockage in the mouth can sometimes contribute to diastema. For example, a frenulum (a little fold of tissue) connected too high on the gum line between the two front teeth might cause a gap. This ailment is known as a maxillary labial frenum. Habits Die Hard: Thumb Sucking and Tongue Thrusting Bad behaviors like thumb sucking or continuous dummy usage can also cause gaps in teeth. These practices strain the teeth and jaw, causing them to move and gaps to form. Wrong Resting Place: Tongue Positioning Finally, tongue positioning can influence the development of diastema. When the tongue rests on the front teeth rather than the roof of the mouth, it can push the teeth forward and cause gaps. Top 3 Diastema Treatment Options Let’s walk you through the top 3 diastema treatment options that can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Braces: Traditional metal braces are a popular diastema therapy method. They progressively reposition the teeth into appropriate placements, eventually narrowing the gap. Veneers: These are thin, custom-made shells that cover the front surface of the teeth. They may be used to bridge the gap and make the grin look better. Veneers are a less intrusive choice than braces. Invisalign: Another popular alternative to traditional braces is Invisalign. It employs transparent, removable aligners to realign the teeth gently. Invisalign is a discrete orthodontic solution. It allows easier oral hygiene maintenance than braces. Remember that everyone's dental needs and the causes of gaps in teeth are different. So, whether you choose braces, veneers, or Invisalign, you must meet with your dentist to establish the best treatment choice for your unique situation. It's never too late to achieve the smile of your dreams. Consult with your dentist to determine which option suits you best, and get ready to say goodbye to that gap for good. Keep smiling as you are on your way to a confident, beautiful smile!