Best Solutions for Missing Teeth in 2024

March 13, 2024, Blue Turtle Dental Palo Alto Dentists

If you are missing teeth, you are not alone. Around 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and 40 million people do not have any teeth. If you are missing teeth, you are not alone. Around 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, and 40 million people do not have any teeth. There are several reasons why people miss teeth. It could be due to gum disease, cavity, trauma, bruxism, or any other oral condition. This is a huge risk, even if the tooth is just chipped. Besides the risk of infection, it can cause structural alterations to your jaw or adjacent teeth, making it difficult to chew or speak, and ruin your self-esteem. There are various ways to repair and replace them in this day and age. One popular way is getting dental implants in Redwood City, CA.  The Holy Grail of Full Mouth Tooth Replacement: Dental Implants Dental implants are the best option for full mouth tooth replacement. They offer a durable and permanent solution that looks like natural teeth in appearance and function. Now, there are several types of implants that are available as part of your dental treatment plan. After reviewing your previous oral care and current situation, the best implants dentist in Redwood City may suggest two prominent options: the 4-on-1 same-day dental implants and implants with crowns and bridges. As the name suggests, the 4-on-1 same-day dental implants are perfect for those with busy schedules or who fear lengthy procedures. During this process, 4 dental implants (typically made from zirconium or similar high-quality material) are placed directly into the jawbone. Over time, they integrate to provide a strong foundation for a replacement tooth. The beauty of same-day Zirconium implants lies in their efficiency and immediate results. This allows you to walk out of the dental office with a brand-new smile in a matter of hours. Also, the one-day dental implant procedure simplifies treatment planning and reduces overall costs, which makes it financially viable for many people. On the other hand, implants with crowns and bridges often require more treatment time and multiple appointments. Once the surgical placement of implants is done, you must wait for osseointegration – a process where the implants fuse the jawbone before crown and bridge placement. This chronological approach and multiple appointments prolong the treatment duration. But this also comes with unparalleled customization and long-term success.  Partial Implants Partial implants may be the solution if you are missing one or several teeth in a row. Your dentist may suggest two well-known types: implant-supported bridge or simple bridge. An implant-supported bridge relies on dental implants for support. The number of implants required depends on factors such as the size of the gap to be filled and the load-bearing capacity needed to support the bridge. After implant placement, a healing phase begins, which can last several months. The next step involves attaching abutments to the implants. Also, impressions of the implant-supported abutments are taken to create the final bridge restoration. Once the bridge is ready, it is carefully placed and secured onto the abutments, creating a lifelike restoration that resembles the appearance and function of natural teeth. On the other hand, a simple bridge is supported by natural teeth next to the gap left by your missing teeth. These adjacent teeth are crowned to offer structural support for the bridge. The artificial tooth (pontic) is fused between these crowns, eventually filling the gap left by the missing tooth.  Other Tooth Replacement Options Besides full and partial implants, several other options exist. For example, single-tooth implants offer a targeted solution for individual tooth replacement. Dentures are another option. They are removable false teeth made of metal, acrylic, or nylon. Full dentures are ideal if all your teeth are missing. Partial dentures are used in cases where a few teeth are missing. Equally, bonding is an effective solution for cracked or a partially missing tooth. It involves filling in the holes in your tooth with a resin material. Once the procedure is done, it looks and feels natural.  Final Thoughts: the best Solution for Missing Teeth Deciding on the best tooth replacement option depends on several factors: Number of teeth missing (Size of the gap) The condition of the teeth adjacent to the gap Your age (Bridges are not suitable for children) Your personal preferences. Do you prefer phased treatment or same-day procedure? Removable or fixed dentures? Full mouth or partial implants? The health of your teeth and gums Cost and budget considerations That said, there is only so much advice that you can get online. The best way to find out which tooth-replacement method is ideal is to schedule a consultation with Redwood City dentists for dental implants today. The consultation will offer you a chance to ask more questions and get a professional recommendation.