What is the life expectancy for someone with a low AHI score

March 21, 2024, Taylormade Sleep Services And Consulting LLC AZ

Explore the impact of AHI scores on your health with sleep apnea. Learn prognosis, treatments, and life expectancy insights at a sleep apnea treatment near you. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, one of your primary concerns may be how this condition could impact your long-term health and longevity. Your AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) score offers insight into the seriousness of your sleep apnea and can provide some clues about your potential life expectancy. Understanding AHI scores AHI measures how many times per hour you experience reduced or paused breathing while sleeping. It is calculated from the results of an overnight sleep study. • 0-5 = Normal • 5-15 = Mild sleep apnea • 15-30 = Moderate sleep apnea • Over 30 = Severe sleep apnea Higher AHI scores indicate more frequent breathing disturbances and more severe oxygen deprivation during sleep. Mild sleep apnea prognosis If your AHI is under 15, you have a milder form of sleep apnea. With an AHI below 5, you may not have clinically significant sleep-disordered breathing. Studies show mild sleep apnea controlled with proper treatment does not significantly reduce life expectancy. The main impacts are daytime fatigue and impaired quality of life. But with compliant CPAP use or other recommended therapies from your sleep center near me, symptoms can be alleviated. Overall, mild sleep apnea is not considered life-threatening when appropriately managed. With treatment, the prognosis is excellent and severe sleep apnea life expectancy is average. Severe sleep apnea prognosis Above 15 AHI, sleep apnea becomes moderate to severe. The more powerful your sleep apnea, the greater the risk of serious complications if not treated. Severe sleep apnea can take years of life expectancy due to associated conditions like: • Heart disease and stroke • High blood pressure • Metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes • Obesity • Accidents or injuries related to daytime sleepiness Fortunately, compliant CPAP therapy has significantly improved mild sleep apnea life expectancy and reduced mortality risk even in severe sleep apnea patients. Other therapies like oral appliances and surgery may also effectively treat apnea. Seeking prompt diagnosis and treatment from your local sleep apnea treatment near me clinic provides the best prognosis and protects your long-term health. Other factors influence life expectancy. Your overall health status also affects your outlook with sleep apnea. Controlling comorbid conditions through diet, exercise, medication compliance, lifestyle changes, and apnea treatment provides optimal results. Remember, mild sleep apnea controlled with proper management does not reduce life expectancy. And even with severe sleep apnea, life expectancy improves dramatically with compliant therapy. Staying proactive with your diagnosis through ongoing care with professionals like Taylormade Sleep Services and Consulting LLC provides the most favorable prognosis.