What daily diet changes help permanent crowns last longer

March 29, 2024, Pomona Dental Practice Yvonne Shu DDS

Discover diet tips to make your permanent crowns last longer: avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods, opt for softer alternatives, slice fruits & veggies, and skip ice & hard candies. Getting a permanent crown placed by your dentist is an investment in your oral health. With proper care, a quality crown should last 5-15 years or longer before needing replacement. While your dentist at Pomona Dental Practice in Pomona, CA, has done their part by creating a precisely fitted restoration, your everyday eating habits significantly affect how long your crown will last. Read on below for tips on foods to enjoy and avoid to extend the lifespan of your dental crown. Choose wiener foods over crunchier alternatives. The number one rule of thumb for crown care is to avoid excessively hard, crunchy, and sticky foods whenever possible. Hard foods like raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, and hard candies place high pressure on your teeth during chewing. This can prematurely damage the permanent crown or even crack the underlying tooth structure. Instead of raw veggies and nuts, try steaming vegetables and choosing nut butter over whole nuts. Skip hard candies in favor of softer sweets like chocolate. Opt for more delicate cooked pasta and rice over crunchy crackers. These small steps to soften your diet will significantly affect your crown's length. Steer clear of chewy and sticky treats. Along with crunchy fare, avoiding excessively chewy and sticky foods is also wise. Lengthy chewing on gummy candies, taffy, dried fruits, gum, or chewy bread can tug and pull at your crown. This repeated stress can weaken the restoration or its cement seal underneath. Sticky foods like caramel, honey, and even peanut butter have the potential to grab and pull at dental crowns. This can loosen or dislodge the restoration. Licorice, Skittles, Starbursts, and other gummy candies are particularly risky. While enjoying these foods occasionally is okay, please don't overdo it. Pay attention to any sensations of pulling or discomfort as a sign to stop eating the sticky food. Slice fruits and vegetables Raw fruits and vegetables provide valuable vitamins, minerals, and fiber for good health. You don't necessarily have to avoid them altogether. However, slice tougher raw veggies and fruits into small, bite-sized pieces before eating. Cutting up items like apples, carrots, celery, and broccoli into small pieces before chewing minimizes the stress on your crowned tooth. Choose ripe fruits as they tend to be softer than unripe, crunchy counterparts. You can still enjoy healthy whole foods by taking a bit of precaution. Avoid ice and hard candies. Hard candies and ice provide minimal nutritional value while posing a high risk to your dental restoration. Sucking on hard candies continuously puts concentrated force on the same area of your tooth, which can damage crowns over time. Crunching on hard ice cubes or accidentally biting down on an unexpected piece of ice hidden in a drink is tremendously shocking to teeth. With their brittle nature, ice and hard candies should be avoided to keep your dental crowns intact. Drink beverages at room temperature or with a straw instead. Go easy on popcorn. Buttery, salty popcorn can be hard to resist at the movies or as a snack. However, those little kernels hide a danger to your dental work. Unpopped kernels, in particular, act like tiny rocks that can crack, chip, or otherwise harm your tooth's crown. Even eating fully popped popcorn takes considerable chewing force. Limit yourself to only occasional portions of popcorn to lower the likelihood of damaging your restoration. Avoid old popcorn bags containing lots of unpopped kernels. Check each bite carefully for unpopped pieces that should be discreetly removed from your mouth. Better yet, choose a soft snack over popcorn when craving a treat. Protect your investment with intelligent snacking. Following these diet tips will help avoid foods with permanent crowns that last for many years. A dental crown is an essential investment in the health and appearance of your smile. Avoiding excessively hard, sticky, and chewy foods will protect your restorations. Check with your dentist in Pomona if you have concerns about your eating habits and the longevity of dental work. With minor diet modifications, your crowns can provide lasting service.