Common Dental Emergencies and First Aid

March 15, 2019, Prescott Dental Arts

If a tooth has been knocked out of the mouth, for example, tissues, nerves, and blood vessels can become damaged. Seeking immediate emergency treatment allows us to place the tooth back in its socket, giving the tissues a chance to grow back and support the tooth once again. Emergency situations regarding your oral health must not be taken for granted. These situations may happen when you least expect it. It can happen to you or your family, when you are all in vacation or just in your office. Like other health issues, it must require an immediate response. Any dental emergency like injury to the teeth or gums can be potentially serious and should not be ignored. Here is a list of common dental emergency issues and what to do in different scenarios. Toothache – Try to rinse your mouth with warm water.  A toothache would indicate an abscess or infection in your tooth or gums. Visit your dentist as soon as possible. Tooth that was knocked out – Try to retrieve the tooth. Do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. Put the tooth in a cup of water with salt. It has the high chance of being saved as long they are returned to their socket within 1 hour. If there will be pain, you can take painkillers. See your dentist as soon as possible. Broken tooth.  Try to look for tooth fragments and collect them and take them to your dentist. Rinse the mouth using warm water. See your dentist as soon as possible. Lost filling. Try to put some SUGARLESS bubble gum into the cavity until you had a chance to go see the dentist. Lost crown. If the crown falls off, visit the dentist as soon as possible. Bring the crown with you so that it can be placed back. If you are experiencing any pain in your mouth, it is important that you see your Apple Blossom Dentistry as soon as possible and tell your dentist the situation you have. Some dentists have emergency dental services or you can go to your local hospital emergency room and they can help alleviate the pain. Daily brushing, gargling with mouthwash and flossing is very important in the prevention of plaque buildup and gums disease. Your gums and teeth will be healthier and stronger when you take good care of your mouth.   Disclaimer: This article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information  purposes only.