9 Little Known Tips For Healthy Teeth And Gums

April 11, 2019, Beauty Talk

Our article is aimed at introducing useful tips to effectively take care of oral health. We all know how important our teeth and gums are, but not many of us know how to keep them safe from decay and other diseases such as gingivitis, swelling gums, etc. Our article today will introduce some little-known tips for healthy teeth and gums you can apply at home. 1. Floss Once Per Day You are advised to floss your teeth once a day to remove all of the plaques and left food on your tooth surface, where brushing cannot touch. You can implement this step at any time of the day, in the morning, after lunch, before going to bed, etc. Just remember to do it every day. 2. Brush Your Teeth Twice Per Day It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice per day, in the morning and at night, before going to bed or after each meal. This is an essential step to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It helps to remove the food and bacteria remained on your tooth surface after eating. Also, scrub your tongue when brushing your teeth to remove the viruses living here. To clean your teeth effectively, you should choose a soft bristle, which fit your mouth or use an electric toothbrush. Also, remember to alter your toothbrush every three or four months to make sure that it is virus free.  By this way, you can remove almost all plaque and bacteria on your mouth, prevent tooth decay and keep your gums healthy. 3. Give Up Smoking Smoking is not only harmful to the lung or throat but also dangerous to teeth and gums. It is closely related to the formation of gum diseases. According to scientists from the Centers for Disease Control Prevention, smoking makes your immune system weak and facilitates the bacteria to harm your gums. Once you get tooth or gum disease, it is difficult for you to overcome if you smoke. Even, it causes some further damage to the patients of gum diseases. 4. Get Dental Cleaning Regularly The food and bacteria that are not removed during brushing or flossing can cause plaque on your tooth surface. Therefore, it is vital to get regular dental cleaning to remove this plaque before it becomes severe. Regular dental cleaning will also help you to reduce the symptoms of gingivitis when it is combined with brushing and flossing daily. 5. Use Mouthwash Many people often skip using mouthwash just because they do not know how it works. However, it is incredibly beneficial to your overall health. Firstly, it helps to reduce the acid level in the mouth and re-mineralize the teeth. Next, it contributes to cleansing the hard-to-brush area around the gums. Both children and adults need to use mouthwash, especially for those whose idea of brushing and flossing is impossible. You can ask for your dentist before deciding to choose a brand of mouthwash as nowadays it is so diversified. Also, read the prescription before using to avoid sensitivity. 6. Drink Enough Water Drinking enough water is not only beneficial for your health but your teeth and gums. You are advised to drinking water after each meal to rinse off all of the adverse effects that foods cause to your teeth. If you have sticky and acidic foods for lunch and wait until the evening to wash your teeth, the acid will harm your teeth during the afternoon. Therefore, to prevent the temporary harms of foods, drinking water is the best choice. 7. Use Turmeric Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties so it can help to keep your teeth and gums healthy and free from bacterial infection. In 2012, the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology claimed that using mouthwash with turmeric can help to remove the plaque effectively. Also, this way helps to prevent gingivitis and keep your teeth healthy all the time. Here are the directions on how to make turmeric mouthwash and toothpaste that you can follow quickly. Remedy 1: Turmeric Mouthwash Directions: • Add a half teaspoon of turmeric powder to 1 cup of water and stir well • Boil the above mixture • Let it cool and then use as mouthwash once every day Remedy 2: Turmeric Toothbrush Directions: • Prepare a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder • Add to this powder a suitable amount to water to make a thick paste • Use this paste to brush your teeth • Apply this remedy several times per week to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 8. Drink Green Tea Every Day The Archives of Oral Biology (2012) claimed that green tea could help to boost oral health naturally and effectively. It has fluoride, catechins, and polyphenols that help to treat bacteria causing tooth decay and other gum diseases. The easiest way is to drink a cup of green tea three or four times per day. Remember not to add any sugar or honey to your tea, or else, all of your efforts will be eliminated. Also, you can chew gum which is made with green tea if you like. 9. Use Peppermint Mouthwash Like turmeric, peppermint also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, so it can help to maintain your teeth and gums’ health. Using peppermint mouthwash is an excellent way to eliminate halitosis, the bacteria that cause bad breath. You can follow the directions below to know how to prepare a peppermint mouthwash for oral health. Directions: • Firstly, prepare a cup of hot water • Secondly, add a handful of peppermint leaves to this water and let it stay for half an hour • Strain to take the solution • Finally, use this solution as mouthwash every day Note: If the peppermint leaves are not available, you can add some drops of peppermint essential oil to a cup of water and wash your mouth with this mixture. Above are nine little-known tips on how to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Hope that you will find it useful. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you.  Author Bio: This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching for the best natural & effective home remedies for health and beauty issues.