We have created a complex and well thought dental treatment plan composing software, which each parts animated and let dentists easily explain dental treatments' steps and cost breakdown. Most patients don’t understand at all, how dental procedures happens and how total cost build up. The reason is very simple: they don’t know at all, what complicated dental terms mean and how hard and expensive each procedure, that's why they don't understand much of treatment presentations. With PlanMaster dental software anybody can explain and compose complex dental treatment plans! Realistic 3D animations make treatment plans very helpful. There is automatic cost calculating interface, and accountant access option. The whole softwer can be personalised with a few click, making this perfectly workimg for any dentistry, from the smalllest to large clinics. All existing dental treatments can be chosen from the list, what let this proper used by dentists, implantologists and odontologists as well. All these features of PlanMaster seriously increase case acceptance and incomes!