Palmer Distinctive Dentistry
At Palmer Distinctive Dentistry, we are proud to be your trusted holistic dentist in Greenville, SC. Led by Dr. John J. Palmer, Dr. Debra G. Adams, and Dr. Ashley Hurley, our practice offers a wide range of dental procedures, including dental cavitation, dental crowns and bridges, biological periodontal therapy, and cosmetic and laser dentistry. Located conveniently in Greenville, SC, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care that focuses on your overall well-being. If you're in Greenville, SC, and looking for a holistic dentist, call (864) 332-4113 to schedule an appointment with our experienced team at Palmer Distinctive Dentistry.
Dental services
Silver Mercury Filling Removal
Dental Implants (Zirconia)
Dental Cavitation
Dental Crowns and Bridges