5 Pros And Cons Of Toothpaste Tablets For Dental Care

May 17, 2022

The use of toothpaste tablets for dental care is gaining popularity among consumers seeking an alternative oral care routine. It’s a recent innovation in the dental market, providing a new way of teeth cleaning. The tablets are in the form of pills, so you'll need to chew them into paste foam before your regular brushing.

That said, the question is whether or not this product has the potential to clean your teeth efficiently, and if it's worth switching from the traditional toothpaste available in tubes. To make an intelligent decision, it would be wise to evaluate its pros and cons. Read on for insight.


Toothpaste tablets can be effective for your oral care routine. Here are some reasons why:

1. They contain the essential ingredients

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 100% of adults suffer a tooth cavity problem caused by improper dental hygiene. Luckily, chewable toothpaste tablets contain the necessary formulations to help you maintain healthy teeth. The common ingredients include: (1)

• Calcium carbonate
• Calcium hydrogen phosphates
• Xylitol
• Sodium bicarbonate
• Tartaric acid derivatives
• Fluoride

These ingredients are necessary for polishing teeth, preventing oral bacteria, removing surface stains, and providing fresh breath. Fluoride specifically protects your teeth from acids caused by oral bacteria. Therefore, if you want to strengthen your dental enamel and prevent cavities, you'd want to use fluoride-containing tablets like PÄRLA. It’s a natural component that has the potential to eliminate tooth cavities in the early stages.

Also, note that toothpaste tabs are free from preservatives, so they’re good if you're looking for a natural self-care product.

2. They’re travel-friendly

If your hobbies include hiking, adventure, camping, and other traveling activities, then toothpaste tablets are ideal for your dental care. They're easy to pack in your carry-on bags, so you don't have to move around with toothpaste tubes that can get messy and cause cross-contamination.
The other advantage is that you can pop them anywhere you are for fast cleaning, without the use of water or a toothbrush. This is particularly convenient for a freshen-up in the middle of an activity. Also, they're in a solid form and resistant to temperature changes. For that reason, you don't have to worry about your paste drying because you forgot to close the tube.

3. They’re environmentally friendly

Research shows that if all Americans followed the healthy dental procedures of changing a toothbrush after three months, more than millions of toothbrushes would be thrown away as waste each year. This is a threat to the environment as it takes time before they disintegrate into biodegradable waste.

Therefore, products like toothpaste tabs were invented for a sustainable oral care routine. These are among the most eco-friendly personal care commodities preferred by many environmental enthusiasts looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Unlike the conventional tubes, the tablets are undoubtedly protective of mother nature since they’re plastic-free. They’re packaged in recyclable bags, and you can always go for a refill using the same container. That way, you'd ensure proper personal hygiene and, at the same time, be environmentally conscious. (2)



Being a new trend, toothpaste tablets have their shortcomings. Below are their two major downsides:

4. They might be relatively expensive

Generally, tabs are usually more expensive than the standard tubed paste. In addition, you may need to use two or more tablets to form enough paste to brush your teeth. In such cases, you'll require constant refills, which adds up to the costs. Therefore, a consumer can be reluctant to shift to this option despite the environmental benefits.

Also, given their recent entry into the market, they’re highly likely to be in short supply on the retail shelves. For that reason, you'll find that many people preserve the use of tablets for specific outdoor events like traveling while they stick to the regular tubed paste routine at home.

5. They might not be safe for everyone

Toothpaste tablets may not be a convenient oral care routine for everyone. Young children, for instance, may choke while using the mint-sized tabs, so most dentists advise parents to avoid giving the tabs to kids under five years old. Instead, they recommend a soft brush that’s gentle enough for baby's teeth and fluoride cream paste.

Aside from that, tabs may not be convenient for people with dental grafts since chewing may be difficult and may cause problems. For those with braces, the toothpaste formed may not be evenly distributed to clean the areas covered. And this can cause a bacterial infection. (3)



Chewable toothpaste tabs are recent personal care products in the market. It’s an exciting trend that you're probably eager to try as your oral care solution. These tabs are advantageous because they're eco-friendly, contain the right dental ingredients, and are travel-friendly. However, these tablets may be more expensive and might not be convenient for everyone. Explore further and decide whether or not you should use them for your preventative dental care routine. Most of all, remember to consult your dentist for professional advice.



1. “Everything You Need to Know About Dental and Oral Health”, Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health

2. “Quick look at the best sustainable oral care products”, Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/sustainable-oral-care-products

3. “Keeping children's teeth healthy”, Source: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/doctors-orders/keeping-childrens-teeth-healthy